a. The Traffic Management System mission is to balance air traffic
demand with system capacity to ensure the maximum efficient utilization
of the National Airspace I System (NAS).
b. It is recognized that the ATCS is integral in the execution
of the traffic management mission.
Complete details of traffic management initiatives and programs can
be found in FAAO 7210.3.
a. Operations Manager (OM) shall:
1. Ensure that an operational briefing is conducted at least
once during the day and evening shifts. Participants shall include, at
a minimum, the AMIC, area supervisors, traffic management coordinator(s)
(TMC), and other interested personnel as designated by facility management.
Discussions at the meeting should include meteorological conditions (present
and forecasted), staffing, equipment status, runways in use, airport acceptance
rates (AAR) and traffic management (TM) initiatives (present and anticipated).
2. Assume responsibility for TMC duties when not staffed.
3. Ensure that TM initiatives are carried out by Operational
Supervisors. (OS)
b. (SATCS) shall:
1. Keep the TMU and affected sectors apprised of situations
or circumstances that may cause congestion or delays.
2. Coordinate with the TMU and ATCS's to develop appropriate
TM initiatives for sectors and airports in their area of responsibility.
3. Continuously review TM initiatives affecting their area of
responsibility and coordinate with TMU for extensions, revisions, or cancellations.
4. Ensure that TM initiatives are carried out by ATCS.
c. ATCS's shall:
1. Ensure that TM initiatives and programs are enforced within
their area of responsibility. TM initiatives and programs do not have priority
over maintaining:
(a) Separation of aircraft.
(b) Procedural integrity of the sector.
2. Keep the SATCS and TMU apprised of situations or circumstances
that may cause congestion or delays.
3. Continuously review TM initiatives affecting their area of
responsibility and coordinate with SATCS and TMU