5-1-1 Presentation and Equipment Performance
Provide radar service only if you are personally satisfied that the radar presentation and equipment performance is adequate for the service being provided.
The provision of radar service is not limited to the distance and altitude
parameters obtained during the commissioning flight check.
During relief briefing, or as soon as possible after assuming responsibility for a control position, check the operating equipment for alignment accuracy and display acceptability. Recheck periodically throughout the watch.
FAAO 7210.3, Chapter 3, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Chapter
Comparable Military Directives.
a. Check the alignment of the radar video display by assuring
that the video map or overlay is properly aligned with a permanent target
of known range and azimuth on the radar display. Where possible, check
one permanent target per quadrant.
b. Map alignment shall be verified for digitized radar systems
by using the moving target indicator (MTI) reflectors, fixed location beacon
transponders (Parrots), beacon real-time quality control (RTQC) symbols
or Calibration Performance Monitor Equipment (CPME) beacon targets.
FAAO 7210.3, Tolerance for Radar Fix Accuracy, paragraph 3-8-1.
c. When operating in the broadband mode, apply the procedures
in subparagraph a.
d. When operating in the narrowband mode (Stage A) with broadband
as a backup display source, assure the alignment of the broadband radar
according to the procedures in subparagraph a.
During Stage A operation, alignment checking is accomplished by the
operational program as part of the certification procedures for system
startup and then on a real-time basis during operational hours.
{New-98-8 Revised August 13, 1998. Added "/MDM"}
e. When operating in the EDARC/DARC/HOST or EDARC/DARC mode, ensure the PVD/MDM center and altitude limits for the system are appropriate for the operating position.
FAAO 7110.65, Selected Altitude Limits, paragraph 5-14-5.
Use radar information derived from primary and Mode 3/A secondary radar systems.
FAAO 7110.65, Beacon Range Accuracy, paragraph 5-1-4.
FAAO 7110.65, Inoperative or Malfunctioning Interrogator, paragraph
a. Secondary radar may be used as the sole display source as follows:
1. In Class A airspace.
FAAO 7110.65, Failed Transponder in Class A airspace, paragraph 5-2-17.
CFR Part 91.135, Operations in Class A airspace.
2. Outside Class A airspace, or where mix of Class A airspace/non-Class
A airspace exists, only when:
(a) Additional coverage is provided by secondary radar
beyond that of the primary radar.
(b) The primary radar is temporarily unusable or out of
service. Advise pilots when these conditions exist.
1 - Advisory may be omitted when provided on ATIS and pilot indicates
having ATIS information.
2 - Advisory may be omitted in the en route environment when there
is overlapping primary radar coverage from multiple radar sites.
(c) EN ROUTE: A secondary radar system is the only source
of radar data for the area of service. When the system is used for separation,
beacon range accuracy is assured, as provided in paragraph 5-1-4, Beacon
Range Accuracy.
This provision is to authorize secondary radar only operations where
there is no primary radar available and the condition is not temporary.
b. TERMINAL: Do not use only secondary radar to conduct surveillance
(ASR) final approaches unless an emergency exists and the pilot concurs.
a. You may use beacon targets for separation purposes if beacon range accuracy is verified by one of the following methods:
1 - The check for verification of beacon range accuracy accomplished
by correlation of beacon and primary radar targets of the same aircraft
is not a check of display accuracy. Therefore, it is not necessary that
it be done using the same display with which separation is being provided,
nor the same targets being separated.
2 - Narrowband: Beacon range accuracy for automated narrowband display
equipment is verified by AF personnel. Consequently, further verification
by the controller is unnecessary.
1. Correlate beacon and primary targets of the same aircraft
(not necessarily the one being provided separation) to assure that they
2. When beacon and primary targets of the same aircraft do not
coincide, correlate them to assure that any beacon displacement agrees
with the specified distance and direction for that particular radar system.
3. Refer to beacon range monitoring equipment where so installed.
b. If beacon range accuracy cannot be verified, you may use beacon
targets only for traffic information.
FAAO 7110.65, Radar Use, paragraph 5-1-3.
a. Refer all ECM/ECCM activity requests to the appropriate center supervisor.
FAAO 7610.4, Chapter 2, Section 7, ECM Missions/Exercises.
ECM activity can subsequently result in a request to apply ECCM videos
to the radar system which may necessitate the decertification of the narrowband
search radar. The Systems Engineer should be consulted concerning the effect
of ECM/ECCM on the operational use of the radar (narrowband/broadband)
prior to approving/disapproving requests to conduct ECM/ECCM activity.
b. When ECM activity interferes with the operational use of radar:
1. EN ROUTE: Request the responsible military unit or aircraft,
if initial request was received directly from pilot, to suspend the activity.
2. TERMINAL: Request suspension of the activity through the
ARTCC. If immediate cessation of the activity is required, broadcast the
request directly to the ECM aircraft on the emergency frequency. Notify
the ARTCC of direct broadcast as soon as possible.
c. When previously suspended activity will no longer interfere:
1. EN ROUTE: Inform the NORAD unit or aircraft that it may be
2. TERMINAL: Inform the ARTCC or aircraft that it may be resumed.
Obtain approval from the ARTCC prior to broadcasting a resume clearance
directly to the aircraft.
d. In each stop request, include your facility name, type of
ECM activity (chaff dispensing - "stream"/"burst" or electronic jamming
- "buzzer"), radar band affected and, when feasible, expected duration
of suspension.
BIG PHOTO (identification, if known) (name) CENTER/TOWER/APPROACH
To stop ECM activity
STOP STREAM/BURST IN AREA (area name) (degree and distance from
STOP BUZZER ON (frequency band or channel). To resume ECM activity
RESUME BUZZER ON (frequency band or channel).
a. When radar mapping is not available, limit radar services to:
1. Separating identified aircraft targets.
2. Vectoring aircraft to intercept a PAR final approach course.
3. Providing radar service in areas that ensure no confliction
with traffic on airways, other ATC areas of jurisdiction, restricted or
prohibited areas, terrain, etc.
b. EN ROUTE: Stage A and DARC - When the position symbol associated
with the full data block falls more than one history behind the actual
aircraft target or there is no target symbol displayed, the Mode C information
in the full data block shall not be used for the purpose of determining
c. Report radar malfunctions immediately for corrective action
and for dispatch of a Notice to Airmen. Advise adjacent ATC facilities
when appropriate.
FAAO 7110.65, Reporting Essential Flight Information, paragraph 2-1-9.
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998}
FAAO 7210.3 - Chapter 3, Chapter 7, Chapter 10, Section 5, and Chapter 11, Section 2.
a. An electronic cursor may be used to aid in identifying and
vectoring an aircraft and to give finer delineation to a video map. Do
not use it as a substitute for a video map or map overlay; e.g., to form
intersections, airway boundaries, final approach courses, etc.
b. Fixed electronic cursors may be used to form the final approach
course for surveillance approaches conducted by military operated mobile
radar facilities.
5-1-8 Merging Target Procedures
a. Except while they are established in a holding pattern, apply
merging target procedures to all radar identified:
1. Aircraft at 10,000 feet and above.
2. Turbojet aircraft regardless of altitude.
P/CG TERM - Turbojet Aircraft.
3. Presidential aircraft regardless of altitude.
b. Issue traffic information to those aircraft listed in subparagraph
a. whose targets appear likely to merge unless the aircraft are separated
by more than the appropriate vertical separation minima.
"Traffic twelve o'clock, seven miles, eastbound, MD-80, at one seven
"United sixteen and American twenty-five, traffic twelve o'clock, one
zero miles, opposite direction, eastbound seven twenty seven at flight
level three three zero, westbound MD-Eighty at flight level three one zero."
c. If the pilot requests, vector his aircraft to avoid merging
with the target of previously issued traffic.
Aircraft closure rates are so rapid that when applying merging target
procedures, controller issuance of traffic must be commenced in ample time
for the pilot to decide if a vector is necessary.
d. If unable to provide vector service, inform the pilot.
5-1-9 Holding Pattern Surveillance
Provide radar surveillance of outer fix holding pattern airspace areas, or any portions thereof, shown on your radar scope (displayed on the video map or scribed on the map overlay) whenever aircraft are holding there. Attempt to detect any aircraft that stray outside the area. If you detect an aircraft straying outside the area, assist it to return to the assigned airspace.
Inform an aircraft when it is observed in a position and on a track which will obviously cause the aircraft to deviate from its protected airspace area. If necessary, assist the aircraft to return to the assigned protected airspace.
FAAO 7110.65, Route or Altitude Amendments, paragraph 4-2-5.
FAAO 7110.65, Methods, paragraph 7-9-3.
A controller is required to manually record at least once the
observed or reported time over a fix for each controlled aircraft in their
sector of responsibility only when the flight progress recording components
of the HOST/DARC or the EARTS systems are not operational.
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998}
FAAO 7210.3, Flight Progress Strip Usage, paragraph 6-1-6.
FAAO 7210.3, Flight Progress Strip Usage, paragraph 10-1-8.
If necessary, you may request an aircraft to provide an estimate or report over a specific fix. After an aircraft receives the statement "radar contact" from ATC, it discontinues reporting over compulsory reporting points. It resumes normal position reporting when ATC informs it "radar contact lost" or "radar service terminated."
P/CG TERM - Radar Contact.
a. When required, inform an aircraft of its position with respect to a fix or airway.
(Number of miles) MILES FROM (fix).
(Number of miles) MILES (direction) OF (fix, airway, or location).
5-1-13 Radar Service Termination
a. Inform aircraft when radar service is terminated.
RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED (nonradar routing if required).
b. Radar service is automatically terminated and the aircraft needs not be advised of termination when:
1 - Termination of radar monitoring when conducting simultaneous ILS/MLS
approaches is prescribed in 5-9-7, Simultaneous Independent ILS/MLS Approaches
- Dual & Triple.
2 - Termination of radar monitoring where PAR equipment is used to
monitor approaches is prescribed in 5-13-3, Monitor Information.
1. An aircraft cancels its IFR flight plan, except within Class
B airspace, Class C airspace, TRSA, or where basic radar service is provided.
2. An aircraft conducting an instrument, visual, or contact
approach has landed or has been instructed to change to advisory frequency.
3. At tower-controlled airports where radar coverage does not
exist to within 1/2 mile of the end of the runway, arriving aircraft shall
be informed when radar service is terminated.
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998}
FAAO 7210.3, Radar Tolerances, paragraph 10-5-6.
4. TERMINAL: An arriving VFR aircraft receiving radar service
to a tower-controlled airport within Class B airspace, Class C airspace,
TRSA, or where basic radar service is provided has landed, or to all other
airports, is instructed to change to tower or advisory frequency.
5. TERMINAL: An aircraft completes a radar approach.
FAAO 7110.65, Service Provided When Tower is Inoperative, paragraph