CHAPTER 1. Mathematics

Converting Fractions to Decimals

To convert any fraction to a decimal, simply divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator). Every fraction will have an approximate decimal equivalent.

Calculator tip: Numerator (top number) ÷ Denominator (bottom number) = the decimal equivalent of the fraction.

Some fractions when converted to decimals produce a repeating decimal.

Other examples of repeating decimals:

.212121… = .21
.6666… = .7 or .67
.254254… = .254

Decimal Equivalent Chart

Figure 1-6 (on the next page) is a fraction to decimal to millimeter equivalency chart. Measurements starting at 1/64 inch and up to 23 inches have been converted to decimal numbers and to millimeters.


A ratio is the comparison of two numbers or quantities. A ratio may be expressed in three ways: as a fraction, with a colon, or with the word “to." For example, a gear ratio of 5:7 can be expressed as any of the following:

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