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Band-Pass Filter

A band-pass filter is basically a combination of a highpass and a low-pass. There are some applications where a particular range of frequencies need to be singled out or filtered from a wider range of frequencies. Band-pass filter circuits are designed to accomplish this task by combining the properties of low-pass and high-pass into a single filter. Figure 10-222 illustrates this type of circuit and the frequency/current flow response.

Band-Stop Filter

In signal processing, a band-stop filter or band-rejection filter is a filter that passes most frequencies unaltered, but attenuates those in a range to very low levels. It is the opposite of a band-pass filter. A notch filter is a band-stop filter with a narrow stopband (high Q factor). Notch filters are used in live sound reproduction (Public Address systems, also known as PA systems) and in instrument amplifier (especially amplifiers or preamplifiers for acoustic instruments such as acoustic guitar, mandolin, bass instrument amplifier, etc.) to reduce or prevent feedback, while having little noticeable effect on the rest of the frequency spectrum. Other names include “band limit filter," “T-notch filter," “band-elimination filter," and “band-rejection filter."

Typically, the width of the stop-band is less than 1 to 2 decades (that is, the highest frequency attenuated is less than 10 to 100 times the lowest frequency attenuated). In the audio band, a notch filter uses high and low frequencies that may be only semitones apart.

A band-stop filter is the general case. A notch filter is a specific type of band-stop filter with a very narrow range.

Also called band-elimination, band-reject, or notch filters, this kind of filter passes all frequencies above and below a particular range set by the component values. Not surprisingly, it can be made out of a lowpass and a high-pass filter, just like the band-pass design, except that this time we connect the two filter sections in parallel with each other instead of in series. Figure 10-223 illustrates this type of circuit and the frequency/current flow response.

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