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Flat Panel Color Displays for Oscilloscopes

While the standard CRT design of oscilloscope is still in service, the technology of display and control has evolved into use of the flat panel monitors. Furthermore, the newer oscilloscopes can even be integrated with the common personal computer (PC). This level of integration offers many diagnostic options unheard of only a few years ago. Some of the features of this technology include easy data capture, data transfer, documentation, and data analysis.

Digital Multimeter

Traditionally, the meters that technicians have used have been the analog voltmeter, ammeter, and the ohmmeter. These have usually been combined into the same instrument and called a multimeter or a VOM (volt-ohm-milliammeter). This approach has been both convenient and economical. Digital multimeters (DMM) and digital voltmeters (DVM) have now become more common due to their ease of use. These meters are easier to read and provide greater accuracy when compared to the older analog units with needle movement. The multimeter’s single-coil movement requires a number of scales, which are not always easy to read accurately. In addition, the loading characteristics due to the internal resistance sometimes affect the circuit and the measurements. Not only does the DVM offer greater accuracy and less ambiguity, but also higher input resistance, which has less of a loading effect and influence on a circuit.

Basic Circuit Analysis and Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting is the systematic process of recognizing the symptoms of a problem, identifying the possible cause, and locating the failed component or conductor in the circuit. To be proficient at troubleshooting, the technician must understand how the circuit operates and know how to properly use the test equipment. There are many ways in which a system can fail and to cover all of the possibilities is beyond the scope of this text. However, there are some basic concepts that will enable the technician to handle many of the common faults encountered in the aircraft.

Before starting a discussion on basic circuits and troubleshooting, the following definitions are given.

  • Short circuit—an unintentional low resistance path between two components in a circuit or between a component/conductor and ground. It usually creates high current flow, which will burn out or cause damage to the circuit conductor or components.
  • Open circuit—a circuit that is not a complete or continuous path. An open circuit represents an infinitely large resistance. Switches are common devices used to open and close a circuit. Sometimes a circuit will open due to a component failure, such as a light bulb or a burned out resistor.
  • Continuity—the state of being continuous, uninterrupted or connected together; the opposite of a circuit that is not broken or does not have an open.
  • Discontinuity—the opposite of continuity, indicating that a circuit is broken or not continuous.

Voltage Measurement

Voltage is measured across a component with a voltmeter or the voltmeter position on a multimeter. Usually, there is a DC and an AC selection on the meter. Before the meter is used for measurements, make sure that the meter is selected for the correct type of voltage. When placing the probes across a component to take a measurement, take care to ensure that the polarity is correct. [Figure 10-161] Standard practice is for the red meter lead to be installed in the positive (+) jack and the black meter lead to be installed in the negative meter jack (-). Then when placing the probes across or in parallel with a component to measure the voltage, the leads should match the polarity of the component. The red lead shall be on the positive side of the component and the black on the negative side, which will prevent damage to the meter or incorrect readings.

All meters have some resistance and will shunt some of the current. This has the effect of changing the characteristic of the circuit because of this change in current. This is typically more of a concern with older analog type meters. If there are any questions about the magnitude of the voltage across a component, then the meter should be set to measure on the highest voltage range. This will prevent the meter from “pegging" and possible damage. The range should then be selected to low values until the measured voltage is read at the mid-scale deflection. Readings taken at mid-scale are the most accurate.

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