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Chapter 12. Publications, Forms, & Records

14 CFR Part 145 — Repair Stations

This regulation underwent a major rewrite released in 2004 and was the most comprehensive change in nearly 20 years.

It may be of interest to note that one does not need to hold an airframe and powerplant (A&P) certificate to be employed at a repair station. The repair station may employ both certified technicians (repairman — in accordance with the requirements of part 65, subpart E) and noncertified personnel. All work that is signed off is done so using the repair station certificate number, and must be done only by persons authorized by part 65 to approve an article for return to service. Just as other certificate holders must have an operations manual, the repair station must have a “repair station manual" which must contain:

  • An organizational chart.
  • Procedures for maintaining rosters.
  • Description of housing, facilities, and equipment.
  • Procedures for revising the capability list and conducting a self-evaluation (audit).
  • Procedures for revising the training program.
  • Procedures governing work done at another location.
  • Procedures for working on air carrier aircraft.
  • Description of the required records and record keeping.
  • Procedures for revising the repair station manual.
  • Description of the system to identify and control the sections of the manual.

All records from repair station maintenance activity must be kept a minimum of 2 years.

Domestic repair station certificates are effective until they are surrendered, suspended, or revoked. The certificates of foreign repair stations expire, usually after 1 or 2 years, and must be renewed.

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