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Chapter 12. Publications, Forms, & Records

§43.15 Additional Performance Rules for Inspections

This section presents a general comment concerning the responsibility of conducting an inspection and then provides details of three separate conditions.

  • If a rotorcraft is being inspected, specific items, such as rotor transmissions and drive shafts, must be inspected.
  • When performing an annual or 100-hour inspection, a checklist must be used. This checklist may be a personal one or one from the manufacturer; either way, it must include the scope and detail of the inspection in appendix D. Specific engine performance is also required to be tested (or monitored) as part of RTS for an annual or 100- hour inspection. This applies whether the aircraft is reciprocating or turbine powered.
  • If a progressive inspection is being conducted, it must be preceded by a complete aircraft inspection. (Note: A progressive inspection is the result of breaking down the large task of conducting a major inspection into smaller tasks which can be accomplished periodically without taking the aircraft out of service for an extended period of time.) Two new definitions are also presented here, “routine" and “detailed." A routine inspection is a visual examination or check of the item, but no disassembly is required. A detailed inspection is a thorough examination of the item including disassembly. The overhaul of a component is considered to be a detail inspection.

Any inspection work that is conducted away from the normal work location must be performed as if it were occurring at the maintenance facility, including using the same forms and procedures.

§43.16 Airworthiness limitations

The technician performing inspection or maintenance actions on an aircraft must be certain he/she has all appropriate data available. This includes manufacturers’ maintenance manuals, operations specifications approved by the FAA under part 121, 123, or 135, or an inspection program approved under §91.409. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, as required by §21.50 must also be consulted when available. (Since 1998 the FAA has required ICAs to be generated for all major alterations which are accomplished by the field approval process.) This section specifies that the technician is responsible to perform inspection or maintenance in accordance with all the preceding instructions.

§43.17 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations performed on U.S. aeronautical products by certain Canadian persons

This section was significantly revised in 2005 as the result of a Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) between the United States and Canada. The two countries have enjoyed a long and professional relationship with respect to reciprocal aviation maintenance activity. This section of part 43 both defines some terms and gives specific limitations as to what an Aviation Maintenance Engineer (AME is the Canadian equivalent to the U.S. A&P) may do to maintain U.S.- registered aircraft located in Canada. It also provides similar limitations for an Approved Maintenance Organization. (AMO is the Canadian equivalent to the U.S.-certified repair stations.)

Appendix A — Major Alterations, Major Repairs, and Preventive Maintenance

This appendix provides a comprehensive, but not exclusive, list of the subjects stated. Paragraph (a) is titled Major Alteration, and is further subdivided as follows:

  • Airframe
  • Powerplant
  • Propeller
  • Appliance

That same subdivision is used in paragraph (b), which is titled Major Repairs.

Paragraph (c) is titled Preventive Maintenance and identifies those maintenance actions, which are defined as preventive maintenance (provided the maintenance does not involve complex assembly operations). Preventive maintenance work may be accomplished by the holder of at least a private pilot certificate provided he or she is the owner or operator of that aircraft, and it is not operated under part 121, 129, or 135.

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