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Chapter 12. Publications, Forms, & Records

CAR 4a — Airplane Airworthiness

This regulation, which originated in 1936, was last amended on April 7, 1950. The subparts included in this regulation are:

     A — Airworthiness Requirements

     B — Definitions

     C — Structural Loading Conditions, General Structural Requirements

     D — Proof of Structure

     E — Detail Design and Construction

     F — Equipment

     G — Powerplant Installation

     H — Performance

     I — Miscellaneous Requirements

Initially this regulation was the basis for establishing the design requirements for virtually all aircraft produced in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.

Eventually CAR 3 evolved as the regulatory material specific to small aircraft, and CAR 4a and b focused on regulatory requirements for large aircraft. It is very important to review the type certificate data sheet for each aircraft. The Cessna 140 for example, was certified as a landplane under CAR 3, but under CAR 4a as a ski-plane or seaplane.

Another example of a more current and larger aircraft is the Gulfstream 1159 and 1159A. The former is certified under CAR 4b, but the latter is certified to 14 CFR part 25.

Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUPs)

There are four types of aircraft parts:

  • Good parts with good paperwork.
  • Good parts with bad paperwork.
  • Bad parts with “good" (bogus) paperwork.
  • Bad parts with bad paperwork.

The first of those listed represents properly authorized parts and when properly installed are approved parts, and the aircraft can be returned to service.

The last of those listed represent obviously unauthorized and unapproved parts. The technician should be alert for these, and must never install them on an aircraft.

The center two categories of parts represent suspected unapproved parts. If either the physical part or the paperwork associated with the part is questionable, it is best to contact the shop foreman, shift supervisor, or the assigned quality individual to discuss your concerns. Suspected unapproved parts (SUPs) should be segregated and quarantined until proper disposition can be determined. Contacting the manufacturer of the product is a good way to start gathering the facts concerning the product in question. (Refer to the current version of Advisory Circular (AC) 21-29, Detecting and Reporting Suspected Unapproved Parts, for additional information.) Contact the FAA — System Surveillance and Analysis Division (AIR-300), P.O. Box 17030, Washington, DC 20041; using FAA Form 8120-11, Suspected Unapproved Parts Report, or call the FAA Aviation Safety Hotline at 1-800-255-1111.

Other FAA Documents

Advisory Circulars (ACs)

The FAA issues advisory circulars to inform the aviation public in a systematic way of non-regulatory material. Unless incorporated into a regulation by reference, the contents of an advisory circular are not binding on the public. Advisory circulars are issued in a numbered-subject system corresponding to the subject areas of the Federal Aviation Regulations (Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Federal Aviation Administration) and Chapter III, Commercial Space Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Parts 400–450. An AC is issued to provide guidance and information in a designated subject area or to show a method acceptable to the Administrator for complying with a related federal aviation regulation.

Because of their close relationship to the CFRs, ACs are arranged in a numbered system which corresponds to the subject areas of the CFRs. In some series, consecutive numbers may be missing. These numbers were either assigned to advisory circulars still in preparation, which will be issued at a later date or were assigned to advisory circulars that have been canceled.

They are issued and updated irregularly with new revisions designated by letters of the alphabet. The suffix following an AC number indicates a revision to that AC and cancels the previous edition. For example, AC 00- 6A replaces and cancels AC 00-6; AC 00-7D replaces and cancels AC 00-7C. ACs may be canceled without replacement, either by the issuing office, by another AC, or by another publication. [Figure 12-11]

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