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Chapter 12. Publications, Forms, & Records

Structural Repair Manual (SRM)

As the name implies, this manual carries detail information for the technician concerning an aircraft’s primary and secondary structure, criteria for evaluating the severity of the detected damage, determining the feasibility of a repair, and alignment/inspection information. This manual is usually a separate manual for large aircraft. On small aircraft, this information is often included in the AMM.


Airworthiness Certificates

In addition to the registration certificate, which indicates the ownership of an aircraft, an airworthiness certificate indicates the airworthiness of the aircraft. Advisory Circular (AC) 21-12, Application for U.S. Airworthiness Certificate, FAA Form 8130-6, is a comprehensive guide for the completion of the application form for this certificate. There are two certificates: standard and special. FAA Form 8100-2, Standard Airworthiness Certificate, may be issued to allow operation of a type-certificated aircraft in one or more of the following categories: [Figure 12-17]

  • Normal
  • Utility
  • Acrobatic
  • Commuter
  • Transport
  • Manned Free Balloon
  • Special Classes

FAA Form 8130-7, Special Airworthiness Certificate, may be issued to authorize the operation of an aircraft in the following categories: [Figure 12-18]

  • Primary
  • Restricted
  • Multiple
  • Limited
  • Light-Sport
  • Experimental
  • Special Flight Permit
  • Provisional

Airworthiness certificates may be issued by either FAA personnel or FAA designees. (Refer to 14 CFR§§183.31 and 183.33.) The certificate must not only be on board the aircraft (14 CFR §91.203(a)(1)), but must also be “displayed at the cabin or cockpit entrance so that it is legible to the passengers or crew" (§91.203(b)). Since the ability to obtain this certificate is based upon the requirement to inspect the aircraft to determine that it conforms to type design and is in condition for safe operation, it can also be revoked by the FAA if either of those two requirements ceases to exist.

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