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Chapter 13. The Mechanic Certificate


The aviation technician is the central figure in aviation maintenance. From the day he or she sets out to become a certificated technician per 14 CFR part 65 to the day he or she retires or leaves the field, the technician must be fully qualified as an aviation professional. This means the technician successfully blends technical training with ethical thinking, and understands the ramifications of the various aspects of human factors. Although the word “professionalism" is widely used, it is rarely defined. In fact, no single definition can encompass all of the qualifications and considerations that must be present for true professionalism to exist. Though not all inclusive, the following list provides major considerations and qualifications that should be included in the definition of professionalism.

  • Professionalism exists only when a service is performed for someone or for the common good.
  • Professionalism is achieved only after extended training and preparation.
  • Professionalism is performance based on study and research.
  • Professionalism is reasoning logically and accurately.
  • Professionalism is making good judgment decisions.
  • Professionalism is not limiting actions and decisions to standard patterns and practices.
  • Professionalism demands a code of ethics.
  • Professionalism is being true to one’s values and ethics and to those being served. Anything less than a sincere performance is quickly detected, and immediately destroys effectiveness.
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