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Care and Use of Drawings

Drawings are both expensive and valuable; consequently, they should be handled carefully. Open drawings slowly and carefully to prevent tearing the paper. When the drawing is open, smooth out the fold lines instead of bending them backward.

To protect drawings from damage, never spread them on the floor or lay them on a surface covered with tools or other objects that may make holes in the paper. Hands should be free of oil, grease, or other unclean matter that can soil or smudge the print.

Never make notes or marks on a print as they may confuse other persons and lead to incorrect work. Only authorized persons are permitted to make notes or changes on prints, and they must sign and date any changes they make.

When finished with a drawing, fold and return it to its proper place. Prints are folded originally in a proper size for filing, and care should be taken so that the original folds are always used.

Types of Drawings

Drawings must give such information as size and shape of the object and all of its parts, specifications for material to be used, how the material is to be finished, how the parts are to be assembled, and any other information essential to making and assembling the particular object.

Drawings may be divided into three classes: (1) detail, (2) assembly, and (3) installation. [Figure 2-3]

Detail Drawing

A detail drawing is a description of a single part, describing by lines, notes, and symbols the specifications for size, shape, material, and methods of manufacture to be used in making the part. Detail drawings are usually rather simple; and, when single parts are small, several detail drawings may be shown on the same sheet or print. (See detail drawing at the top of Figure 2-3.)

Assembly Drawing

An assembly drawing is a description of an object made up of two or more parts. Examine the assembly drawing in the center of Figure 2-3. It describes the object by stating, in a general way, size and shape. Its primary purpose is to show the relationship of the various parts. An assembly drawing is usually more complex than a detail drawing, and is often accompanied by detail drawings of various parts.

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