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Inspection for corrosion is a continuing problem and should be handled on a daily basis. Overemphasizing a particular corrosion problem when it is discovered and then forgetting about corrosion until the next crisis is an unsafe, costly, and troublesome practice. Most scheduled maintenance checklists are complete enough to cover all parts of the aircraft or engine, and no part of the aircraft should go uninspected. Use these checklists as a general guide when an area is to be inspected for corrosion. Through experience it will be learned that most aircraft have trouble areas where, despite routine inspection and maintenance, corrosion will set in.

In addition to routine maintenance inspections, amphibians or seaplanes should be checked daily and critical areas cleaned or treated, as necessary.

Corrosion Prone Areas

Discussed briefly in this section are most of the trouble areas common to all aircraft. However, this coverage is not necessarily complete and may be amplified and expanded to cover the special characteristics of the particular aircraft model involved by referring to the applicable maintenance manual.

Exhaust Trail Areas

Both jet and reciprocating engine exhaust deposits are very corrosive and give particular trouble where gaps, seams, hinges, and fairings are located downstream from the exhaust pipes or nozzles. [Figure 6-11]

Deposits may be trapped and not reached by normal cleaning methods. Pay special attention to areas around rivet heads and in skin lap joints and other crevices. Remove and inspect fairings and access plates in the exhaust areas. Do not overlook exhaust deposit buildup in remote areas, such as the empennage surfaces. Buildup in these areas will be slower and may not be noticed until corrosive damage has begun.

Battery Compartments and Battery Vent Openings

Despite improvements in protective paint finishes and in methods of sealing and venting, battery compartments continue to be corrosion prone areas. Fumes from overheated electrolyte are difficult to contain and will spread to adjacent cavities and cause a rapid corrosive attack on all unprotected metal surfaces. Battery vent openings on the aircraft skin should be included in the battery compartment inspection and maintenance procedure. Regular cleaning and neutralization of acid deposits will minimize corrosion from this cause.

Bilge Areas

These are natural sumps for waste hydraulic fluids, water, dirt, and odds and ends of debris. Residual oil quite often masks small quantities of water that settle to the bottom and set up a hidden chemical cell.

Instead of using chemical treatments for the bilge water, current float manufacturers recommend the diligent maintenance of the internal coatings applied to the float’s interior during manufacture. In addition to chemical conversion coatings applied to the surface of the sheet metal and other structural components, and to sealants installed in lap joints during construction, the interior compartments are painted to protect the bilge areas. When seaplane structures are repaired or restored, this level of corrosion protection must be maintained.

Inspection procedures should include particular attention paid to areas located under galleys and lavatories and to human waste disposal openings on the aircraft exteriors. Human waste products and the chemicals used in lavatories are very corrosive to common aircraft metals. Clean these areas frequently and keep the paint touched up.

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