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Flexible Hose Inspection

Check the hose and hose assemblies for deterioration at each inspection period. Leakage, separation of the cover or braid from the inner tube, cracks, hardening, lack of flexibility, or excessive “cold flow" are apparent signs of deterioration and reason for replacement. The term “cold flow" describes the deep, permanent impressions in the hose produced by the pressure of hose clamps or supports.

When failure occurs in a flexible hose equipped with swaged end fittings, the entire assembly must be replaced. Obtain a new hose assembly of the correct size and length, complete with factory installed end fittings. When failure occurs in hose equipped with reusable end fittings, a replacement line can be fabricated with the use of such tooling as may be necessary to comply with the assembly instructions of the manufacturer.

Fabrication and Replacement of Flexible Hose

To make a hose assembly, select the proper size hose and end fitting. [Figure 7-28] MS-type end fittings for flexible hose are detachable and may be reused if determined to be serviceable. The inside diameter of the fitting is the same as the inside diameter of the hose to which it is attached.

Flexible Hose Testing

All flexible hose must be proof-tested after assembly and applying pressure to the inside of the hose assembly. The proof-test medium may be a liquid or gas. For example, hydraulic, fuel, and oil lines are generally tested using hydraulic oil or water, whereas air or instrument lines are tested with dry, oil-free air or nitrogen. When testing with a liquid, all trapped air is bled from the assembly prior to tightening the cap or plug. Hose tests, using a gas, are conducted underwater. In all cases, follow the hose manufacturer’s instructions for proof-test pressure and fluid to be used when testing a specific hose assembly. [Table 7-3]

When a flexible hose has been repaired or overhauled using existing hardware and new hose material, and before the hose is installed on the aircraft, it is recommended that the hose be tested to at least 1.5 system pressure. A hydraulic hose burst test stand is used for testing flexible hose. [Figure 7-29] A new hose can be operationally checked after it is installed in the aircraft using system pressure.

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