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Size Designations

Hose is also designated by a dash number, according to its size. The dash number is stenciled on the side of the hose and indicates the size tubing with which the hose is compatible. It does not denote inside or outside diameter. When the dash number of the hose

corresponds with the dash number of the tubing, the proper size hose is being used. Dash numbers are shown in Figure 7-26.

Hose Fittings

Flexible hose may be equipped with either swaged fittings or detachable fittings, or they may be used with beads and hose clamps. Hoses equipped with swaged fittings are ordered by correct length from the manufacturer and ordinarily cannot be assembled by the mechanic. They are swaged and tested at the factory and are equipped with standard fittings. The detachable fittings used on flexible hoses may be detached and reused if they are not damaged; otherwise, new fittings must be used. [Figure 7-30]

Installation of Flexible Hose Assemblies

Slack—Hose assemblies must not be installed in a manner that will cause a mechanical load on the hose. When installing flexible hose, provide slack or bend in the hose line from 5 to 8 percent of its total length to provide for changes in length that will occur when pressure is applied. Flexible hose contracts in length and expands in diameter when pressurized. Protect all flexible hoses from excessive temperatures, either by locating the lines so they will not be affected or by installing shrouds around them.

Flex—When hose assemblies are subject to considerable vibration or flexing, sufficient slack must be left between rigid fittings. Install the hose so that flexure does not occur at the end fittings. The hose must remain straight for at least two hose diameters from the end fittings. Avoid clamp locations that will restrict or prevent hose flexure.

Twisting—Hoses must be installed without twisting to avoid possible rupture of the hose or loosening of the attaching nuts. Use of swivel connections at one or both ends will relieve twist stresses. Twisting of the hose can be determined from the identification stripe running along its length. This stripe should not spiral around the hose.

Bending—To avoid sharp bends in the hose assembly, use elbow fittings, hose with elbow-type end fittings, or the appropriate bend radii. Bends that are too sharp will reduce the bursting pressure of flexible hose considerably below its rated value. [Figure 7-31]

Clearance—The hose assembly must clear all other lines, equipment, and adjacent structure under every operating condition.

Flexible hose should be installed so that it will be subject to a minimum of flexing during operation. Although hose must be supported at least every 24 inches, closer supports are desirable. Flexible hose must never be stretched tightly between two fittings. If clamps do not seal at specified tightening, examine hose connections and replace parts as necessary. The above is for initial installation and should not be used for loose clamps.

For retightening loose hose clamps in service, proceed as follows: Non-self-sealing hose—if the clamp screw cannot be tightened with the fingers, do not disturb unless leakage is evident. If leakage is present, tighten one-fourth turn. Self-sealing hose—if looser than finger-tight, tighten to finger-tight and add one-fourth turn. [Table 7-4]

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