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Torque Wrench

There are times when definite pressure must be applied to a nut or bolt as it is installed. In such cases a torque wrench must be used. The torque wrench is a precision tool consisting of a torque indicating handle and appropriate adapter or attachments. It measures the amount of turning or twisting force applied to a nut, bolt, or screw.

Before each use, the torque wrench should be visually inspected for damage. If a bent pointer, cracked or broken glass (dial type), or signs of rough handling are found, the wrench must be tested. Torque wrenches must be tested at periodic intervals to ensure accuracy.

Commonly used torque wrenches include the deflecting beam (not shown), dial indicating, micrometer, and electronic setting types. [Figure 9-10]

When using the deflecting beam and the dial indicating torque wrenches, the torque is read visually on a dial or scale mounted on the handle of the wrench. The micrometer setting torque wrench is preset to the desired torque. When this torque is reached, the operator notices a sharp impulse or breakaway “click." For additional information on the installation of fasteners requiring the use of a torque wrench, refer to “Installation of Nuts, Washers, and Bolts" located in chapter 5.

Strap Wrenches

The strap wrench can prove to be an invaluable tool for the AMT. By their very nature, aircraft components such as tubing, pipes, small fittings, and round or irregularly shaped components are built to be as light as possible, while still retaining enough strength to function properly. The misuse of pliers or other gripping tools can quickly damage these parts. If it is necessary to grip a part to hold it in place, or to rotate it to facilitate removal, consider using a strap wrench that uses a plastic covered fabric strap to grip the part. [Figure 9-11]

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