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Chapter 3. Physics

Physics   3-1
Matter 3-1
Characteristics of Matter 3-1
Mass and Weight 3-1
Attraction 3-1
Porosity 3-2
Impenetrability 3-2
Density 3-2
Specific Gravity 3-2
Energy 3-3
Potential Energy 3-3
Kinetic Energy 3-4
Force, Work, Power, and Torque 3-4
Force 3-4
Work 3-4
Friction and Work 3-5
Static Friction 3-6
Sliding Friction 3-6
Rolling Friction 3-6
Power 3-7
Torque 3-7
Simple Machines 3-8
Mechanical Advantage of Machines 3-8
The Lever 3-9
First Class Lever 3-9
Second Class Lever 3-9
Third Class Lever 3-10
The Pulley 3-10
Single Fixed Pulley 3-10
Single Movable Pulley 3-10
Block and Tackle 3-11
The Gear 3-11
Inclined Plane 3-13
Stress 3-14
Tension 3-14
Compression 3-14
Torsion 3-14
Bending 3-14
Shear 3-15
Strain 3-16
Motion 3-16
Uniform Motion 3-16
Speed and Velocity 3-16
Acceleration 3-17
Newton’s Law of Motion 3-17
First Law 3-17
Second Law 3-18
Third Law 3-18
Circular Motion 3-18
Heat 3-19
Heat Energy Units 3-19
Heat Energy and Thermal Efficiency 3-20
Heat Transfer 3-20
Conduction 3-20
Convection 3-21
Radiation 3-22
Specific Heat 3-22
Temperature 3-23
Thermal Expansion/Contraction 3-24
Pressure 3-24
Gauge Pressure 3-25
Absolute Pressure 3-25
Differential Pressure 3-25
Gas Laws 3-26
Boyle’s Law 3-26
Charles’ Law 3-26
General Gas Law 3-27
Dalton’s Law 3-27
Fluid Mechanics 3-27
Buoyancy 3-28
Fluid Pressure 3-29
Pascal’s Law 3-30
Bernoulli’s Principle 3-32
Sound 3-32
Wave Motion 3-33
Speed of Sound 3-33
Mach Number 3-34
Frequency of Sound 3-34
Loudness 3-34
Measurement of Sound Intensity 3-34
Doppler Effect 3-34
Resonance 3-35
The Atmosphere 3-35
Composition of the Atmosphere 3-35
Atmospheric Pressure 3-36
Atmospheric Density 3-37
Water Content of the Atmosphere 3-37
Absolute Humidity 3-38
Relative Humidity 3-38
Dew Point 3-38
Vapor Pressure 3-38
Standard Atmosphere 3-38
Aircraft Theory of Flight 3-39
Four Forces of Flight 3-39
Bernoulli’s Principle and Subsonic Flow 3-39
Lift and Newton’s Third Law 3-40
Airfoils 3-41
Camber 3-41
Chord Line 3-41
Relative Wind 3-41
Angle of Attack 3-41
Boundary Layer Airflow 3-41
Boundary Layer Control 3-42
Wingtip Vortices 3-42
Axes of an Aircraft 3-42
Aircraft Stability 3-43
Static Stability 3-43
Dynamic Stability 3-43
Longitudinal Stability 3-44
Lateral Stability 3-44
Directional Stability 3-45
Dutch Roll 3-45
Flight Control Surfaces 3-45
Flight Controls and the Lateral Axis 3-45
Flight Controls and the Longitudinal Axis 3-46
Flight Controls and the Vertical Axis 3-46
Tabs 3-47
Supplemental Lift-Modifying Devices 3-48
High-Speed Aerodynamics 3-49
Compressibility Effects 3-49
The Speed of Sound 3-50
Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Flight 3-50
Shock Waves 3-50
High-Speed Airfoils 3-51
Aerodynamic Heating 3-52
Helicopter Aerodynamics 3-53
Helicopter Structures and Airfoils 3-53
Helicopter Axes of Flight 3-56
Helicopters in Flight 3-58
Weight-Shift Control, Flexible Wing Aircraft Aerodynamics 3-60
Powered Parachute Aerodynamics 3-62

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