After runup and pretakeoff checks have been completed, the airplane should be taxied into takeoff position and aligned with the runway. If it is a tailwheel type, the tailwheel lock (if installed) should be engaged only after the airplane has been allowed to roll straight a few feet along the intended takeoff path to center the tailwheel.
If the crew consists of two pilots it is recommended that the pilot in command brief the other pilot on takeoff procedures prior to receiving clearance for takeoff. This briefing consists of at least the following: minimum control speed (Vmc), rotation speed (Vr), liftoff speed (Vlof), single engine best rate of climb speed (Vyse), all engine best rate of climb speed (Vy), and what procedures will be followed if an engine failure occurs prior to Vmc (Fig. 16-12).
Both throttles then should be advanced simultaneously to takeoff power, and directional control maintained by the use of the steerable nosewheel and the rudder. Brakes should be used for directional control only during the initial portion of the takeoff roll when the rudder and steerable nosewheel are ineffective. During the initial takeoff roll it is advisable to monitor the engine instruments.
As the takeoff progresses, flight controls are used as necessary to compensate for wind conditions. Liftoff should be made at no less than Vmc + 5. After liftoff, the airplane should be allowed to accelerate to the all engine best rate of climb speed Vy, and then the climb maintained at this speed with takeoff power until a safe maneuvering altitude is attained.
The landing gear may be raised as soon as practicable but not before reaching the point from which a safe landing can no longer be made on the remaining portion of the runway. The flaps (if used) should be retracted as directed in the airplane's operating manual.
Upon reaching safe maneuvering altitude, the airplane should be allowed to accelerate to cruise climb speed before power is reduced to normal climb power.