Phase I. Basic Instruments.
1. Use of instruments to control attitude, altitude, speed, and
2. Straight-and-level flight.
a. Pitch control.
b. Bank control.
c. Power control.
d. Trim control.
e. Change of airspeed and configuration.
3. Turns.
a. Turns to predetermined headings.
b. Change of airspeed and configuration.
4. Climbs and descents.
a. Constant airspeed.
b. Constant rate.
5. Magnetic compass.
6. Timed turns.
7. Steep turns.
Phase II. Radio Navigation.
1. VOR and ADF.
a. Orientation.
b. Time/distance checks.
c. Interception of predetermined radial or bearing.
d. Course (radial/bearing) following.
e. Identification of position.
(1) Intersections.
(2) Off-course, including off-course corrections.
(3) Arrival over station.
f. Holding and transitions.
2. Instrument approach procedures.
a. VOR.
b. ADF.
c. ILS.
d. Radar approaches.
3. Departures, routings, and arrivals.
4. ATC procedures.
a. Clearances.
b. Position reporting.
c. Emergencies.
Flight Training
Phase I. Basic Instruments.
1. Preflight procedures.
2. Takeoff procedures.
3. Techniques, procedures, and operating limitations in the use
of basic flight instruments.
a. Altimeter.
b. Airspeed indicator.
c. Vertical-speed indicator.
d. Attitude indicator.
e. Turn and slip indicator.
f. Heading indicator.
g. Magnetic compass.
4. Airwork.
a. Straight-and-level flight-pitch, bank, and power control.
b. Turns and turns to predetermined headings, including timed
c. Climbs and descents (Constant rate).
d. Climbs and descents (Constant airspeed).
e. Stalls and maneuvering at approach speeds.
f. Steep turns.
g. Recovery from unusual attitudes.
Phase II. Communications, Departures, Enroute Navigation, and Arrivals Under Instrument Flight Rules.
1. Preparation of flight plan, including use of charts, aircraft
performance data, weather services, Airman's Information Manual, Airport/Facility
Directory, Notices to Airmen (Class II), and Graphic Notices and Supplemental
2. Arrival estimates - for flight planning and enroute revisions.
3. Tuning radio equipment.
a. Selection of frequencies.
b. Use of equipment in flight.
4. Orientation by radio (ADF and VOR).
a. Identification of position.
b. Time/distance from station.
5. Course following.
6. Identification of position.
a. Intersections.
b. Off course, including off-course corrections.
7. Holding
8. Instrument approach procedures.
a. Use of Area Charts and Instrument Approach Charts.
b. ADF, VOR, ILS, RNAV, and radar approaches.
c. Missed approaches.
9. Air Traffic Control Procedures.
a. Flight Plan.
b. Clearances.
c. Emergencies