Whenever you become aware that an emergency has or will occur, take action to provide for the operation of all appropriate airport lighting aids as required.
FAAO 7110.65, Lighting Requirements, paragraph 10-4-2.
3-4-2 Runway End Identifier Lights
When separate on-off controls are provided, operate runway end
identifier lights:
a. When the associated runway lights are lighted. Turn the REIL
off after:
1. An arriving aircraft has landed.
2. A departing aircraft has left the traffic pattern area.
3. It is determined that the lights are of no further
use to the pilot.
b. As required by facility directives to meet local conditions.
c. As requested by the pilot.
d. Operate intensity setting in accordance with the values in
Table 3-4-1 except as prescribed in subparagraphs b and c above.
Table 3-4-1
REIL Intensity Setting - Three Step System.
Settings :----------------------:--------------------------------
: Day
: Night
3 Less than
2 miles : Less than 1 mile
2 2 to 5 miles
inclusive : 1 to but not including 3 miles
1 When requested
: 3 miles or more
3-4-3 Visual Approach Slope Indicators (VASI)
VASI systems with remote on-off switching shall be operated when they serve the runway in use and where intensities are controlled in accordance with Table 3-4-1 and Table 3-4-2 except:
a. As required by facility directives to meet local conditions.
b. As required by the pilot.
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998}
FAAO 7210.3, Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) Systems, paragraph
FAAO 6850.2, Visual Guidance Lighting Systems.
Operate approach lights:
a. Between sunset and sunrise when one of the following conditions
1. They serve the landing runway.
2. They serve a runway to which an approach is being made
but aircraft will land on another runway.
b. Between sunrise and sunset when the ceiling is less than
1,000 feet or the prevailing visibility is 5 miles or less and approaches
are being made to:
1. A landing runway served by the lights.
2. A runway served by the lights but aircraft are landing
on another runway.
3. The airport, but landing will be made on a runway served
by the lights.
c. As requested by the pilot.
d. As you deem necessary, if not contrary to pilot's request.
In the interest of energy conservation, the ALS should be turned off
when not needed for aircraft operations.
FAAO 7110.65, ALS Intensity Settings, paragraph 3-4-5.
When operating ALS as prescribed in paragraph 3-4-4, Approach Lights, operate intensity controls in accordance with the values in Table 3-4-4 except:
a. When facility directives specify other settings to meet local
atmospheric, topographic, and twilight conditions.
b. As requested by the pilot.
c. As you deem necessary, if not contrary to pilot's request.
Table 3-4-4 - ALS Intensity Setting
Visibility - (Applicable to runway served by lights)
Step -------------------------------------------------------
5 Less than 1 mile*
When requested
4 1 to but not including
3 miles When requested
3 3 to but not including
5 miles Less than 1 mile*
2 5 to but not including
7 miles 1 to 3 miles inclusive
1 When requested
Greater than 3 miles
* And/or 6,000 feet or less of the RVR on the runway served by the ALS and RVR.
Daylight Steps 2 and 3 provide recommended settings applicable to conditions
in subparagraphs b and c. At night, use step 4 or 5 only when requested
by a pilot.
3-4-6 Sequenced Flashing Lights (SFL)
Operate Sequenced Flashing Lights:
SFL are a component of the ALS and cannot be operated when the ALS
is off.
a. When the visibility is less than 3 miles and instrument approaches
are being made to the runway served by the associated ALS.
b. As requested by the pilot.
c. As you deem necessary, if not contrary to pilot's request.
Operate MALSR/ODALS that have separate on-off and intensity setting controls in accordance with TBL 3-4-5 and TBL 3-4-6 except:
a. When facility directives specify other settings to meet local
atmospheric, topographic, and twilight conditions.
b. As requested by the pilot.
c. As you deem necessary if not contrary to pilot's request.
* At locations providing part time control tower service, if duplicate controls are not provided in the FSS on the airport, the air-to-ground radio link shall be activated during the hours of darkness when the tower is unmanned. If there is no radio air-to-ground control, the MALSR/ODALS shall be set on intensity setting 2 during the hours of darkness when the tower is not staffed.
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998}
FAAO 7210.3, Operation of Lights When Tower is Closed, paragraph
a. When the prevailing visibility is 3/4 mile or less or the RVR
is 4,000 feet or less, operate the ALSF-2 system as follows:
1. As requested by the pilot.
2. As you deem necessary if not contrary to pilot request.
b. Operate the SSALR system when the conditions in subparagraph
a are not a factor.
Operate the runway edge light system/s serving the runway/s in use as follows:
a. Between sunset and sunrise, turn the lights on:
1. For departures - Before an aircraft taxies onto the runway
and until it leaves the Class B, Class C, or Class D surface area.
2. For arrivals -
(a) IFR aircraft - Before the aircraft begins final approach,
(b) VFR aircraft - Before the aircraft enters the Class
B, Class C, or Class D surface area, and
(c) Until the aircraft has taxied off the landing runway.
b. Between sunrise and sunset, turn the lights on as shown in subparagraphs a1 and a2 when the surface visibility is less than 2 miles.
c. As required by facility directives to meet local conditions.
d. Different from subparagraphs a, b, or c above, when:
1. You consider it necessary, or
2. Requested by a pilot and no other known aircraft will be
adversely affected.
Pilots may request lights to be turned on or off contrary to subparagraphs
a, b, or c. However, CFR Part 135 operators are required to land/takeoff
on lighted runways/heliport landing areas at night.
e. Do not turn on the runway edge lights when a NOTAM closing
the runway is in effect.
Application concerns use for takeoffs/landings/approaches and does
not preclude turning lights on for use of unaffected portions of a runway
for taxiing aircraft, surface vehicles, maintenance, repair, etc.
FAAO 7110.65, Simultaneous Approach and Runway Edge Light Operation, paragraph 3-4-14.
{New-98-3 Revised February 26, 1998}
FAAO 7210.3, Incompatible Light System Operation, paragraph 10-6-3;
FAAO 7210.3, Runway Edge Lights Associated with Medium Approach
Light System / Runway Alignment
Indicator Lights, paragraph 10-6-8.
3-4-10 High Intensity Runway, Runway Centerline, and Touchdown Zone Lights
Operate high intensity runway and associated runway centerline and touchdown zone lights in accordance with Table 3-4-7, except:
a. Where a facility directive specifies other settings to meet
local conditions.
b. As requested by the pilot.
c. As you deem necessary, if not contrary to pilot request.
* and/or appropriate RVR/RVV equivalent.
3-4-11 HIRL Associated With MALSR
Operate HIRL which control the associated MALSR in accordance
with Table 3-4-8, except:
a. As requested by the pilot.
b. As you deem necessary, if not contrary to the pilot's request.
Table 3-4-8 - HIRL associated with MALSR
Step -----------------------------------------------------------
5 Less than 1 mile
When requested
4 1 to but not including 2 miles
Less than 1 mile
3 2 to but not including 3 miles
1 to but not incl. 3 miles
2 When requested
3 to 5 miles inclusive
1 When requested
More than 5 miles
When going from a given brightness step setting to a lower setting,
rotation of the brightness control to a point below the intended step setting
and then back to the appropriate step setting will ensure that the MALSR
will operate at the appropriate brightness.
FAAO 7110.65, Medium Intensity Runway Lights, paragraph 3-4-13.
3-4-12 HIRL Changes Affecting RVR
Keep the appropriate approach controller or PAR controller informed, in advance if possible, of HIRL changes that affect RVR.
3-4-13 Medium Intensity Runway Lights
Operate MIRL or MIRL which control the associated MALSR in accordance
with Table 3-4-9, except:
a. As requested by the pilot.
b. As you deem necessary, if not contrary to the pilot's request.
Table 3-4-9 - MIRL Intensity Setting
Step --------------------------------------
Less than 2 miles
Less than 1 mile
2 to 3 miles
1 to 3 miles
When requested
More than 3 miles
FAAO 7110.65, HIRL Associated with MALSR, paragraph 3-4-11.
3-4-14 Simultaneous Approach and Runway Edge Light Operation
Turn on the runway edge lights for the runway in use whenever the associated approach lights are on. If multiple runway light selection is not possible, you may leave the approach lights on and switch the runway lights to another runway to accommodate another aircraft.
FAAO 7110.65, Runway Edge Lights, paragraph 3-4-9.
3-4-15 High Speed Turnoff Lights
Operate high speed turnoff lights:
a. Whenever the associated runway lights are used for arriving
aircraft. Leave them on until the aircraft has either entered a taxiway
or passed the last light.
b. As required by facility directives to meet local conditions.
c. As requested by the pilot.
Operate taxiway lights in accordance with Table 3-4-9, Table 3-4-10,
or Table 3-4-11, except:
a. Where a facility directive specifies other settings or times
to meet local conditions.
b. As requested by the pilot.
c. As you deem necessary, if not contrary to pilot request.
Table 3-4-10
Three Step Taxiway Lights
Step ------------------------------------------------------
3 Less than 1 mile
When requested
2 When requested
Less than 1 mile
1 When requested
1 mile or more
Table 3-4-11
Five Step Taxiway Lights
Step ------------------------------------------------------
5 Less than 1 mile
When requested
4 When requested
Less than 1 mile
3 When requested
1 mile or more
1 & 2 When requested
When requested
Table 3-4-12
One Step Taxiway Lights
Less than 1 mile
AC 150/5340-24 contains recommended brightness levels for variable
setting taxiway lights.
If controls are provided, turn the lights on between sunset and sunrise.
If controls are provided, turn the rotating beacon on:
a. Between sunset and sunrise.
b. Between sunrise and sunset when the reported ceiling or visibility
is below basic VFR minima.