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Powered Parachute Flying Handbook

Chapter 11 — Approaches and Landings

After-Landing Roll

The landing process must never be considered complete until the powered parachute has been brought to a complete stop, the engine shut down, and the wing collapsed and on the ground. Many accidents have occurred as a result of pilots abandoning their vigilance and positive control after getting the powered parachute on the ground. Some have damaged their parachute by failing to stop the engine before the wing falls into the moving propeller. Other incidents have occurred where the wind has caught a still-inflated wing and rolled the powered parachute over.

Normally as soon as you have landed, you should do four things in this order:

1. Release any flare that was used during landing. Once the flare is released, the wing will rotate forward relative to the cart. That decreases both the angle of attack and lift that the landing flare generated. With the flare released, there will be more load put on the front landing gear, which in turn makes the powered parachute easier to ground handle.

2. Unless you have the intention to taxi the powered parachute with the parachute inflated, close the throttle.

3. Shut down the ignition system. Normally, powered parachutes have two toggle ignition switches. Both toggle switches must be turned off to shut down the engine.

4. The parachute needs to be collapsed and grounded. This is done by tugging on the parachute steering lines. One long pull will generally not be adequate. Three or four quick tugs will normally be enough. The wing rotating and collapsing behind the cart will also act as a brake for the powered parachute, much like a drogue chute. [Figure 11-7]

Landings should always be planned to be done directly into the wind. However, if you must land in a crosswind, you may be able to land but you will not be able to takeoff. You can land on higher crosswinds than you can take off.

A wide runway may allow you the capability to land across the runway. However, a narrow runway would not allow this. Therefore, if you must land in a crosswind, during final approach, crab into the wind and line up on the runway centerline. Approach with this crab and flare as you normally would. Reduce power as your back wheels touch. When your back wheels touch, your front wheel will swing around, straight down the runway. However your wing will still be headed into the wind. Shut the engine down and continue pulling the steering lines to get the canopy down on the ground immediately since you can not taxi in a crosswind.

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