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  1.1 Draw the shape of the BOC pocket on the para-pak fabric to the size required to fit the pilot chute. This will be the base panel.

  1.2 Fold the Spandex® fabric in half and cut to the same size as the base panel. This will be the pocket panel. Make sure the grain of the fabric is parallel with the length of the pocket for stretch. Trim 1/2" off the end opposite the fold [Figure A].


  2.1 Open the sides of the pocket at the folded end and insert the length of elastic tape. Sew the tape in place with the single needle on both sides.

  2.2 Mark the center of the mouth and bar tack the elastic reinforcing as shown [Figure B].

  2.3 Lay the pocket on the para-pak base and sew in place [Figure C]. (Hint—Sewing with the Spandex® on the bottom and the para-pak on top will minimize stretch from the presser foot.)

  2.4 Bind the pocket, starting at the bottom corner opposite the mouth of the pocket [Figure D].

  2.5 Bar tack the mouth of the pocket securing the elastic reinforcing on both sides [Figure E].

  2.6 The pocket is now complete and ready for installation.


  3.1 Verify that the size is correct.

  3.2 Binding should be secure.

  3.3 Verify the bar tacks are in place at the center of the pocket and at the sides.


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