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   Note: Many of the modern canopies are using Spectra® or other aramid fibers in place of nylon or Dacron lines. These materials are stronger, lighter, and less bulky. An example is the 825 pound Spectra® line common on many main canopies. The strength is higher but the bulk is smaller than the 525 pound Dacron used in the past. Accordingly, the techniques needed to work this material are more refined and precise.


  1.1 Lay the canopy out on one side and straighten the lines.

  1.2 Remove the damaged line. If the cascade is undamaged, remove the cascade line from the junction of the main line. If the cascade is damaged, remove it as well.


  2.1 Cut a new main line approximately 24" longer than the old one.

  2.2 Finger-trap a loop at the connector link end [Figure A]. Make sure that the size of the loop duplicates the original or adjacent lines. If the loop is made too small, there may be difficulty in changing connector links or risers as needed. Sew the fingertrap with either a zigzag or bar tack.





  2.3 Pre-tension the line. With Spectra®, load the line with approximately 30 pounds for 30 seconds. Place the line on the connector link.

  2.4 Feed the running end of the line through the slider and directly to the line attachment tape on the canopy. Make sure that there are no twists to the line or it is around the other lines. Run through the attachment tape and re-create the original knot [Figure B].

  2.5 Tension the line using adjacent lines for reference [Figure C].

  2.6 Mark the location for the entry point for the cascade line [Figure D].

  2.7 Cut a piece of line approximately18" longer than the original cascade.

  2.8 Finger-trap the cascade into the main line and sew with either a zigzag or bar tack [Figure E].

  2.9 Attach the main line to the line attachment loop as per the original knot configuration.

  2.10 Tension the line against the adjacent lines and secure the knot [Figure F]. Repeat with the cascade.

  2.11 Finger-trap the running end of the lines and sew with either a zigzag or bar tack [Figure G].


  3.1 Check the length of the main line and the cascade line under tension against adjacent lines.

  3.2 Check stitching such as zigzag or bar tacks.

  3.3 Check line continuity.

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