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  Note: There is no limit as to how many crossports may be repaired on a main canopy. Reserve canopies are another matter. The number and authority to repair crossports on a reserve varies between manufacturers. Before attempting to repair the crossports of a reserve, first check with the manufacturer.


  1.1 Many times, when the crossport is damaged, there is extensive gathering and distortion of the fabric. Before progressing, smooth out the fabric to reshape the rib as close as possible to its original shape.


  2.1 The basic idea of the crossport repair is a three-sided patch sewn the same as a standard French fell seam patch. The fourth side is open and recut to the shape of the crossport [Figure A]. However, if the damage is extensive enough, it may be advisable to patch the complete crossport area and then recut the crossport in its original shape with a hot knife.

  2.2 Pin the rib to the pin board.

  2.3 Mark out the damaged area as you would a standard patch. Lay the patch material in place and pin.

  2.4 Sew the patch in place with a seam 1/16" from the edge.




  2.5 Turn the patch over, fold the seam, and sew as a standard patch [Figure B].

  2.6 Lay the repaired rib on a suitable surface and recut the crossport shape in the exposed edge of the patch material with the hot knife [Figure C].





  3.1 Verify the seams of the patch are even and thread tension is correct.

  3.2 Hot knifed edge of the crossport must be smooth and even.

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