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Note: There are many types of grommets used in parachute container manufacture. Older style military surplus containers used flat grommets made of brass with a chrome finish, which were designed to work with cones. Most modern container systems use rolled rim spur grommets and washers. The most common size is the “O.” For many years, regular brass grommets were used and then nickel plated ones became the norm. In recent years, stainless steel has come to be the preferred type due to the ability to resist deformation and corrosion. Today, there are two types of “O” stainless grommets. The first is the regular or “short shank.” Recently, a long shank version has become available. It has proven to be very versatile and popular. This repair procedure will focus primarily on the “O” spur grommet and washer, but the technique can be applied to all types of grommets. 1.0 DISASSEMBLY:

1.1 GROMMET REPLACEMENT. This is for replacing a damaged grommet or changing from brass to stainless steel.

  1.2 Use the cutters to remove the grommet. If the grommet is set into a fabric/webbing base, fold the material back to expose the washer. Using the diagonal cutter, cut through the washer [Figure A] and then peel it back from the grommet [Figure B]. Grasp the grommet and peel it from the material.


2.1 GROMMET REPLACEMENT. If the hole is intact and undamaged, simply insert the replacement grommet into the material from the correct side, and set with the grommet die. Make sure that the grommet is set sufficiently so that there is no exposed edge to snag lines or material.

2.2 MATERIAL REPAIR AND GROMMET REPLACEMENT. If, after removing the grommet, the fabric is damaged so that the grommet cannot be set properly, use the zigzag machine to stitch around the perimeter of the hole, reducing its size [Figure C].

  2.2.1 Take the basting tip and pass it through the hole, searing the material [Figure D]. This will solidify the frayed and raw edge of the damaged material.

  2.2.2 Set the grommet in the repaired hole [Figure E].


  3.1 Check the grommet orientation.

  3.2 Grommet must be set tightly.

  3.3 There should be no sharp edges on inside of grommet.


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