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Note: The name Velcro® is a trade name for what is known as “pressure sensitive hook and loop fastener.” It is a commonly used material for closure systems. Before the advent of Velcro®, snaps and zippers were the preferred method of closing containers. Velcro® changed how the parachute industry designed products. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, there was a tendency to overdo the use of Velcro® and problems with durability and interaction with other materials became known. Since then, the use of Velcro® has been reduced to those applications where it is superior to other methods and can be easily replaced.


  1.1 Identify the nature of the use of the Velcro®. Before you remove the piece, note how it is attached to the container. Some designs are such that several layers of construction have to be reversed to get to the location where the Velcro® was sewn on. If this is the case, the rigger may have to make a very expensive repair to replace a small piece of Velcro®.


  2.1 Cut the replacement Velcro® to size. Velcro® is normally scissor cut, not cut with a hot knife.

  2.2 Position the Velcro® and stitch around the perimeter at .12" from the edge. For any pieces 1" in width or wider, sew a row of stitching down the center [Figure A]. This prevents the center from being pulled up from the material and loading the outside row of stitching [Figure B].

  2.3 Some applications have the Velcro® sewn to a piece of tape for support. Again, if it is 1" or more wide, sew down the center to prevent lifting.

  2.4 Depending on the application, the mating loop piece of Velcro® may be wider than the hook to provide additional protection. That is, the hook may be .75" wide and the loop 1" wide.


  3.1 Check that thread tension is correct.

  3.2 Verify orientation is correct.

  3.3 Check that center stitching is used where needed.


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