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Note: The following technique is typical of many modern container systems. This procedure addresses only the disassembly of the container and replacement of the factory made part. It does not address the manufacture of a replacement part.


  1.1 Remove all extraneous parts from the harness/container assembly.

  1.2 Open the bottom corner of the main container on the appropriate side.

  1.3 It will be necessary to remove the Ty-3 binding tape on the inside seam joining the main body to the side flap. Depending on the container construction configuration, there are two options how to do this.

  1.3.1 Option 1, the salvage method. With this method, the binding tape is left undamaged and sewn back in place after replacing the flap. A slower method, but good if the rigger doesn’t have the necessary replacement tape.

  1.3.2 Using a seam ripper, unpick the two rows of stitching that holds the side flap to the main container [Figure A]. Start at the lower corner and continue until approximately 2" past where the side flap joins the riser cover.

  1.3.3 Remove the side flap. 1.4 Option 2, the replacement tape method. With this method, the binding tape is destroyed during the removal process and replaced with new. A faster method, but new tape is required.

  1.4.1 Use a hot knife to melt the stitching that holds the binding tape that attaches the side flap to the main container [Figure B]. When doing this, have the side of the tape that faces the damaged side flap facing up in case you slip so the wrong flap won't be damaged. Proceed to the point where the side flap stops. Trim the melted tape at this point.

  1.4.2 Using a seam ripper, unpick the tape approximately 2" past the end of the side flap. Remove the side flap.


  2.1 Take the new flap and sew it in place on the main container starting approximately .38" from the corner [Figure C]. On this design and others like it, the lower end of the main riser cover is unstitched during removal of the main flap. When sewing the new flap in place, make sure that the side flap is sewn to the main container first and then the riser cover on top of it. Look at the opposite side to see which is on top and duplicate.

  2.2 If option 1 was used, take the original binding tape, fold over the seam and sew in place with two rows of stitching. Note that there is a second row of stitching sewn directly on top of the inside row of stitching for reinforcement [Figure D]. This is very important.

  2.3 If option 2 was used, it will be necessary to replace the binding tape with new. Stitch down the loose end of the binding tape at the top and then overlap the tape by approximately 2" using the double needle machine and tape binder [Figure E]. Overstitch the inside row for reinforcement.

  2.4 Trim the bottom end of the binding tape at the corner.

  2.5 Note that the junction of the side flap and riser cover is overstitched and reinforced as needed [Figure F].

  2.6 Close the bottom of the container as per the original and reinforce as required.


  3.1 Check that the flap is installed correct side out.

  3.2 Check the inside binding for reinforcing stitching.

  3.3 The side flap/riser cover should be stitched and reinforced.

  3.4 The container bottom must be closed correctly and reinforced.


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