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Note: The canopy fabric portion of a reserve pilot chute would be repaired as necessary with similar patching techniques as used on a canopy. The mesh portion, however, may be subject to different techniques. Another area of common damage is the thru grommet in the top of the pilot chute. The following procedure describes the replacement of the grommet in the top of the pilot chute. Figure A shows a damaged grommet. 1.0 DISASSEMBLY: Grommet replacement.

1.1 Remove the hand tackings used to secure the base of the pilot chute to the spring [Figure B].

1.2 Turn the pilot chute upside down and push the canopy down until the grommet is exposed [Figure C].

1.3 Using diagonal cutters, remove the damaged grommet being careful not to damage the fabric of the cap [Figure D].



2.1 Using the handset, set a new grommet. Be careful not to catch any fabric during the process [Figure E].

2.2 Reposition the canopy over the spring. Grasp the skirt at the bottom end of the spring. Make sure that the radial tapes run directly from the bottom to the cap in a straight line [Figure F]. If the tapes “barberpole” around the spring, the pilot chute may not inflate properly on launch.

2.3 Hand tack the bottom of the canopy to the bottom of the spring [Figure G].


3.1 Verify the grommet is secure.

3.2 Tapes should be straight.

3.3 Tackings should be secure.

4.0 DISASSEMBLY: Mesh repair.

4.1 Remove the tackings used to secure the base of the pilot chute to the spring.

4.2 For small holes, turn the mesh inside out and zigzag the edges together.


5.1 Reattach the bottom of the pilot chute to the spring with hand tacking.


6.1 Tapes should be straight.

6.2 Tackings should be secure.

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