CHAPTER 5. Prefl ight and Ground Operations
Powerplant Inspection
Inspect engine attachment to the carriage for security and
cracks. In addition to looking at the bolts and mounts,
shake the propeller, as shown in Figure 5-53, to provide a
secure check of the propeller, gearbox, engine, and engine
attachment to the carriage.
Fuel System
- Inspect fuel tank attachment and condition.
- Inspect fuel vent system, and ensure the fuel supply
line is open (some WSC aircraft have fuel shut off
valves outside the fuel tank).
- Inspect fuel pickup and fuel line running up to fuel
fi lter. While inspecting all fuel lines, jiggle all fi ttings
and connections to ensure they are secure.
- Inspect fuel fi lter and continue to follow fuel line up
to fuel pump.
- Inspect the security and condition of fuel pump.
- Inspect fuel lines up to carburetors. [Figure 5-54]
Induction System
- Inspect carburetors, including fl oat bowl attachment
and rubber bushing from carburetors into engine.
- Inspect fuel lines from fl oat bowls to carburetor inlet.
- Inspect air inlet fi lter to ensure it is clean and secure.
[Figure 5-55]
Ignition System
- Inspect ignition system wires to spark plugs.
- Inspect spark plug caps and wires to CDI units to
ensure they are secure and fastened. [Figure 5-56]
- Ensure ignition switches are turned off.