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CHAPTER 5. Prefl ight and Ground Operations

Chapter Summary

Prefl ight preparations should include the overall evaluation of the:

  • Pilot: experience, sleep, food and water, drugs or medications, stress, illness and overall aeromedical factors, as discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction to Weight-Shift Control.
  • Aircraft: proper transport, fuel, weight (does not exceed maximum), ARROW, takeoff and landing requirements, equipment.
  • EnVironment: where to fly, weather conditions, forecast for departure and destination airfi elds, route of fl ight, and specifi c airport patterns/runway lengths. Pilot capabilities must be compared to the weather limitations for the decision of whether to go to the airfi eld.
  • External pressures: schedules, available alternatives, purpose of fl ight.

Prefl ight procedures include:

  • Set up of the wing and mounting the wing on the carriage (if trailered or taken down).
  • Tuning the wing to fl y straight and at the proper trim speed.
  • Prefl ight inspection with written checklist of wing, carriage, powerplant, systems, and fl ight deck.
  • Readying aircraft to enter by proper positioning and occupant prefl ight brief.
  • Engine start, taxi, and performing before takeoff check.

Postfl ight procedures include:

  • Taxi off runway to appropriate location.
  • Park, exit, post flight and documenting any discrepancies.
  • Hangar, secure or take down.
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