CHAPTER 6. Flight Manuevers

Chapter Summary

Knowledge of the effects and use of the controls is basic to develop a “feel” of the aircraft and become accustomed to “attitude” fl ying. This is the basis for all fl ight maneuvers. The four basic WSC fl ight maneuvers requiring pilot profi ciency are:

  • Straight-and-level fl ight.
  • Level turns.
  • Climbs and climbing turns.
  • Descents and descending turns.

Once the basic maneuvers are mastered, the steep turn allows the pilot to achieve maximum performance from the aircraft. Energy management techniques provide the basis for fl ying in different atmospheric conditions and introduce the student to precise pitch and power control. Slow fl ight and stall provide the pilot an awareness of the ability of the WSC to fl y at the lower end of the WSC performance.

Whip stalls and tumbles are unique to WSC fl ight, and pilot awareness and avoidance is an important concept for WSC pilots to understand.

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