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CHAPTER 7. Takeoff and Departure Climbs

Noise Abatement

Aircraft noise problems have become a major concern at many airports throughout the country. Many local communities have pressured airports into developing specifi c operational procedures that help limit aircraft noise while operating over nearby areas. For years now, the Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA), airport managers, aircraft operators, pilots, and special interest groups have been working together to minimize aircraft noise for nearby sensitive areas. As a result, noise abatement procedures have been developed for many of these airports that include standardized profi les and procedures to achieve these lower noise goals.

Airports that have noise abatement procedures provide information to pilots, operators, air carriers, air traffic facilities, and other special groups that are applicable to their airport. These procedures are available to the aviation community by various means. Most of this information comes from the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD), local and regional publications, printed handouts, operator bulletin boards, safety briefi ngs, and local air traffi c facilities.

At airports that use noise abatement procedures, reminder signs may be installed at the taxiway hold positions for applicable runways. These are to remind pilots to use and comply with noise abatement procedures on departure. Pilots who are not familiar with these procedures should ask the tower or air traffi c facility for the recommended procedures. In any case, pilots should be considerate of the surrounding community while operating their aircraft to and from such an airport. This includes operating as quietly, yet safely as possible.

Chapter Summary

Normal Takeoff is straight down runway centerline with rotation at proper airspeed and initial climb at safe airspeed and moderate pitch angle to account for engine failure. Once to safe maneuvering altitude en route climb speed is maintained. Cross wind takeoffs are similar to normal takeoffs except wing must be held straight to ground path during acceleration and greater speed is obtained before rotation. Short fi eld takeoffs are performed by ensuring that suffi cient runway is available for takeoff and utilizing bestangle- of-climb speed (VX) until obstacle is cleared. Rough or soft fi eld takeoffs are performed by keeping the weight off the nosewheel, and lifting off into the ground effect to gain speed as soon as possible.

Precautions should always be taken by climbing at faster airspeeds and lower pitch angles in case of an engine failure/ rejected landing.

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