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CHAPTER 11. Approaches and Landings

Approaches and Landings  11-1
Introduction 11-1
Normal (Calm Wind) Approaches and Landings 11-2
Throttle Use 11-2
Base Leg 11-2
Estimating Height and Movement 11-5
Roundout (Flare) 11-6
Touchdown 11-7
After-Landing Roll 11-7
Effect of Headwinds During Final Approach 11-8
Stabilized Approach Concept 11-10
Go-Around (Rejected Landings) 11-13
Power 11-13
Short and Soft Field Landing Techniques 11-14
Short-Field Approaches and Landings 11-14
Soft and Rough Field Approaches and Landings 11-15
Power-on Approach and Landing for Turbulant Air 11-16
Crosswind Approaches and Landings 11-17
Crosswind Pattern Procedures 11-17
Effects and Hazards of High Crosswinds for Approaches and Landings 11-17
Crosswind Landings 11-19
Maximum Crosswind Velocities 11-19
Steep Approaches 11-20
Steep Angle 11-21
Alternating Turns 11-21
Power-Off Accuracy Approaches 11-21
90° Power-Off Approach 11-22
180° Power-Off Approach 11-23
360° Power-Off Approach 11-25
Emergency Approaches and Landings (Simulated Engine Out) 11-26
Faulty Approaches and Landings 11-27
Low Final Approach 11-27
High Final Approach 11-27
Slow Final Approach 11-27
Use of Power 11-28
High Roundout 11-28
Late or Rapid Roundout 11-28
Floating During Roundout 11-28
Ballooning During Roundout 11-29
Bouncing During Touchdown 11-29
Porpoising 11-29
Wing Rising After Touchdown 11-30
Hard Landing 11-30
Chapter Summary 11-30

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