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CHAPTER 2. Aerodynamics

Aerodynamics  2-1
Introduction 2-1
Aerodynamic Terms 2-1
WSC Wing Flexibility 2-6
Forces in Flight 2-7
Dynamic Pressure (q) 2-7
Lift 2-7
Drag 2-8
Thrust 2-10
Ground Effect 2-11
Center of Gravity (CG) 2-11
Axes of Rotation 2-12
Lateral Axis—Pitch 2-12
Longitudinal Axis—Roll 2-13
Vertical Axis—Yaw 2-13
Stability and Moments 2-13
WSC Unique Airfoil and Wing Design 2-13
Trim—Normal Stabilized Flight 2-13
High Angles of Attack 2-13
Low Angles of Attack 2-14
Pitch Pressures 2-14
Roll Stability and Moments 2-16
Yaw Stability and Moments 2-17
Thrust Moments 2-18
Stalls: Exceeding the Critical AOA 2-18
Whip Stall–Tuck–Tumble 2-19
Weight, Load, and Speed 2-20
Basic Propeller Principles 2-20
Chapter Summary 2-20

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