Sketching Techniques

To make a sketch, first determine what views are necessary to portray the object; then block in the views, using light construction lines. Next, complete the details, darken the object outline, and sketch extension and dimension lines. Complete the drawing by adding notes, dimensions, title, date, and when necessary, the sketcher’s name. The steps in making a sketch of an object are illustrated in Figure 2-30.

Basic Shapes

Depending on the complexity of the sketch, basic shapes such as circles and rectangles may be drawn in freehand or by use of templates. If the sketch is quite complicated or the technician is required to make frequent sketches, use of a variety of templates and other drafting tools is highly recommended.

Repair Sketches

A sketch is frequently drawn for repairs or for use in manufacturing a replacement part. Such a sketch must provide all necessary information to those persons who must make the repair or manufacture the part.

The degree to which a sketch is complete will depend on its intended use. Obviously, a sketch used only to represent an object pictorially need not be dimensioned. If a part is to be manufactured from the sketch, it should show all the necessary construction details.

Care of Drafting Instruments

Good drawing instruments are expensive precision tools. Reasonable care given to them during their use and storage will prolong their service life.

T-squares, triangles, and scales should not be used or placed where their surfaces or edges may be damaged. Use a drawing board only for its intended purpose and not in a manner that will mar the working surface.

Compasses, dividers, and pens will provide better results with less annoyance, if they are correctly shaped and sharpened and are not damaged by careless handling.

Store drawing instruments in a place where they are not likely to be damaged by contact with other tools or equipment. Protect compass and divider points by inserting them into a piece of soft rubber or similar material. Never store ink pens without first cleaning and drying them thoroughly.

Graphs and Charts

Graphs and charts are frequently used to convey information graphically or information given certain conditions. They often utilize values shown on the x and y axes that can be projected up and across to arrive at a specific result. Also, when data is entered into a computer database, software programs can create a variety of different bar graphs, pie charts, and so forth, to graphically represent that data.

Reading and Interpreting Graphs and Charts

When interpreting information shown on graphs and charts, it is extremely important that all the notes and legend information be carefully understood in order to eliminate any misinterpretation of the information presented.


A nomogram is a graph that usually consists of three sets of data. Knowledge of any two sets of data enables the interpreter to obtain the value for the third unknown corresponding value. One type of nomogram consists of three parallel scales graduated for different variables so that when a straight edge connects any two values, the third can be read directly. Other types may use values on the x and y axes of a graph with the third corresponding value determined by the intersection of the x and y values with one of a series of curved lines. Figure 2-31 is an example of a nomogram that shows the relationship between aviation fuels, specific weight, and temperature.

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