Powered Parachute Flying Handbook

Chapter 12 — Night, Abnormal, and Emergency Procedures

Restricted Lines During the Takeoff Roll

If the lines (steering or suspension lines) become restricted, such as around part of an outrigger, a trim lock, or an accessory—then while safely maintaining your ground direction into the wind and holding your RPM down to kiting speed—reach out and push the line off of the restricting object. If this is not possible, then shut the PPC down and abort the takeoff.

To abort a takeoff (i.e., to shutdown) maintain your ground steering clear of obstacles as you: (1) power down the throttle, (2) push the magneto switches into the OFF position, and (3) pull the wing down.

Entangled or Embedded Lines

If the lines become entangled or embedded with debris, then shut the PPC down and clean up the lines. If you don’t, and you load the wing by beginning the lift-off, the stress on the lines as they pull through the debris (twigs, sticks, and so forth) can break the lines.

Lines Caught Under a Wheel

If the lines go under a wheel, IMMEDIATELY abort the takeoff. Shut down: power, magnetos and wing down.

A Wing Wall

The term “wall” is simply defined as the canopy literally forming a wall-like appearance behind the PPC. [Figure 12-3] The trailing edge of the canopy is still on the ground, while the leading edge of the canopy forms the top of the wall. The “wall” is the first canopy problem that might occur during the initial kiting of the wing.

Even though some pilots will try to “pop” the canopy out of the “wall,” the only safe solution is to immediately abort the takeoff, and re-layout the canopy. By shutting down and restarting the takeoff preflight, pilots will save the expense of many line and propeller repairs. Lines will inevitably become damaged when a pilot tries to “pop” the canopy out of the wall via sharp throttle movements. When you fight the wall, you create an ideal situation for lines to get sucked into the propeller.

A Wing Lock-Out

A wing “lock-out” occurs when the initial forward momentum is insufficient to move the canopy through the prop-wash and up and above the PPC cart. [Figure 12-4] During this phenomenon, the inflated canopy will hang at about a 45° angle behind the cart. This is a “parachutal-wing stall” while the pilot is still on the ground. Usually, regardless of how much groundspeed is increased, the wing will stay in a parachutalwing stall behind the cart as long as the tension on the suspension lines remains the same; the wing will stay “locked-out” in that 45° position.

There are two techniques that can be used to correct this “parachutal-wing stall” position of a rectangular wing:

1. Lower the groundspeed until the canopy begins to fall down and back behind the cart. Then before the wing touches the ground, smoothly and firmly increase the groundspeed to move (“sling-shot”) the canopy up and above the cart.

2. Maintain the groundspeed and pull the canopy back via a flare (i.e., pushing both foot steering bars). Hold the flare until the drag caused on the tail of the wing pulls the wing back down—about a 60° angle— and then smoothly release the flare. The release of the flare will again “sling-shot” the canopy up and above the cart.

Note: Ask the advice of an instructor before using these techniques on an elliptical-shaped wing. The characteristics between the two types of PPC wings are significant in correcting the “Locked-Out” scenario.

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