Chapter 7 — Takeoffs and Departure Climbs
Noise Abatement
Aircraft noise problems have become a major concern
at many airports throughout the country. Many local
communities have pressured airports into developing
specific procedures that will help limit aircraft noise
while operating over nearby areas. For years now, the
FAA, airport managers, aircraft operators, pilots, and
special interest groups have been working together to
minimize aircraft noise for nearby sensitive areas. As
a result, noise abatement procedures have been developed
for many of these airports that include standardized
profiles and procedures to achieve these lower
noise goals.
Standard noise abatement procedures don’t necessarily
apply to powered parachutes, but similar issues
exist. Powered parachutes fly at lower altitudes, fly
tighter patterns, and tend to fly early in the morning
and late in the evening when the winds are lightest.
Powered parachute pilots should actively work with
airport management to determine takeoff areas, patterns,
and procedures that emphasize both safety and
good neighborhood relations.
Specific noise abatement flight procedures are found
in the A/FD where runway surface, slope and elevation
can be found for flight planning.