Chapter 5
One of the most important parts of the packing process is
the requirement to keep proper records. 14 CFR, section
65.131 specifies the information the rigger is required to
document. There are two forms of required records. The
first is the rigger’s logbook. While the exact format is up
to the rigger, there are commercially produced logbooks
available that provide space for the required notations.
The second required record is the parachute data card.
Both of these items have been addressed in Chapter 1—
Regulations and Human Factors.
There are several items of interest regarding the parachute
data card. In the past, the data cards usually had information
only for the identity of the parachute canopy, which is the primary component of the assembly. In recent years,
with the growth of sport parachuting, this configuration is
no longer standard. With the proliferation of many makes
and models of canopies and harness and containers, and
the ability to interchange components, it is necessary to
document the harness and container as well. The data
card shown in Chapter 1, Figure 1-8 has multiple identification
spaces. With the widespread use of AADs, it has
now become necessary to document the information
required by the manufacturer such as the service cycle
and battery life. The newest cards have provisions for
this information.
With the ability to interchange components, what does
the rigger do when a reserve canopy is removed from an
assembly? Where does the data card go? This is a somewhat
gray area, but the common practice is for the card to
remain with the canopy. If the harness and container have
had work done that requires documentation, it may be
necessary for the rigger to fill out a duplicate card with
the appropriate notations as to the work done on the harness.
Riggers should make sure that they note that this
card is a copy of the original.
Finally, riggers are tasked with noting their name and
certificate number on the data card. In many cases, this
information is illegible. Riggers who take pride and
responsibility in their profession, and the work they do,
have no hesitation in letting the public know who did the
work. Accordingly, many riggers have a permanent ink
stamp with their name, certificate number, and seal symbol
that they use to stamp the card and then countersign
it. This is the mark of a truly professional rigger. While
the seal symbol is not required on the data card, it allows
anyone to check the signature against the seal on the