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The Limits
of Expertise Rethinking Pilot Error And The Causes of Airline Accidents |
By Key Dismukes,
• Reviewed NTSB reports of the 19
• Asked: Why might any airline crew in situation of accident crew –
knowing only what they knew – be vulnerable?
• Can never know with certainty why accident crew made specific errors
but can determine why the population of pilots is vulnerable
• Considers variability of expert performance as function of interplay
of multiple factors
• No one thing “causes” accidents
• Confluence of multiple events, task demands, actions taken or not
taken, and environmental factors |
Hindsight Bias
• Knowing the outcome of an accident flight reveals what crew should
have done differently
• Accident crew does not know the outcome
– They respond to situation as they perceive it at the moment
• Principle of “local rationality”: experts do what seems reasonable,
given what they know at the moment and the limits of human information
• Errors are not
de facto
evidence of lack of skill or lack of conscientiousness
Two Fallacies About Human Error
Experts who make errors performing a familiar task reveal lack of skill,
vigilance, or conscientiousness
Skill, vigilance, and conscientiousness are essential but not sufficient
to prevent error
If experts can normally perform a task without difficulty, they should
always be able to perform that task correctly
Experts periodically make errors as consequence of subtle variations in
demands, information available, and cognitive processing
Each Accident Has Unique Surface Features and Combinations of Factors
• Countermeasures to surface features of past accidents will not prevent
future accidents
• Must examine deep structure of accidents to find common factors
Six Overlapping Clusters of Error Situations
1) Inadvertent slips and oversights while performing highly practiced
tasks under normal conditions
2) Inadvertent slips and oversights while performing highly practiced
tasks under challenging conditions
3) Inadequate execution of non-normal procedures under challenging
4) Inadequate response to rare situations for which pilots are not
5) Judgment in ambiguous situations
6) Deviation from explicit guidance or SOP
1) and 2) Inadvertent slips and omissions:
• Examples:
– Forgetting to: reset altimeters at FL180, arm spoilers, turn on pitot
heat, set flaps to the take-off position
• Errors are usually caught or are inconsequential
• Errors may not be caught when other factors are present:
interruptions, time pressure, non-normal operations, stress
4) Inadequate response to rare situations for which pilots are not
• Examples:
– False stick shaker activation just after rotation (JFK, 1992)
– Oversensitive autopilot drove aircraft down at Decision Height
(O’Hare, 1998)
– Anomalous airspeed indications past rotation speed (LaGuardia, 1994)
– Uncommanded autothrottle disconnect with non-salient annunciation
(West Palm Beach, 1997)
• Surprise, confusion, stress, and time pressure play a role
• No data on what percentage of airline pilots would respond adequately
in these situations
5) Judgment and decision-making in ambiguous situations
• Examples:
– Continuing approach in vicinity of thunderstorms (
– Not de-icing (
• No algorithm to calculate when to break off approach; company guidance
usually generic
• Crew must integrate incomplete and fragmentary information and make
best judgment
– If guess wrong, crew error is found to be “cause”
• Accident crew judgment & decision-making may not differ from
– Lincoln Lab study: Penetration of storm cells on approach not uncommon
– Other flights may have landed or taken off without difficulty a minute
or two
• Questions:
– What are actual industry norms for these operations?
– Sufficient guidance for crews to balance competing goals?
– Implicitly tolerate/encourage less conservative behavior as long as
crews get by
6) Deviation from explicit guidance or SOP
• Example: Attempting to land from unstabilized approach resulting from
slam-dunk approach
• Simple willful violation or more complex issue?
– Are stabilized approach criteria published/trained as guidance or
absolute bottom lines?
– Competing pressures for on-time performance, fuel economy
– What are norms in company and the industry?
• Pilots may not realize that struggling to stabilize approach before
touchdown imposes such workload that they cannot evaluate whether
landing will work out
Cross-Cutting Factors Contributing to Crew Errors
Situations requiring rapid response
• Challenges of managing concurrent tasks
• Equipment failure and design flaws
• Misleading or missing cues normally present
• Plan continuation bias
• Stress
• Shortcomings in training and/or guidance
• Social/organizational issues
• Nearly 2/3 of 19 accidents
• Examples: upset attitudes, false stick shaker activation after
rotation, anomalous airspeed indications at rotation, autopilot-induced
oscillation at Decision Height, pilot-induced oscillation during flare
• Very rare occurrences, but high risk
• Surprise is a factor
• Inadequate time to think through situation automatic response required
Challenges of managing concurrent tasks
• Workload high in some accidents (e.g.,
– Overloaded crews failed to recognize situation getting out of hand
– Crews became reactive instead of proactive/strategic
– Monitoring and cross-checking suffered
• But: adequate time available for all tasks in many accidents
– Inherent cognitive limitations in switching attention:
Plan continuation bias (e.g.,
• Unconscious cognitive bias to continue original plan in spite of
changing conditions
• Appears stronger as one nears completion of activity (e.g., approach
to landing)
– Why are crews reluctant to go-around?
• Bias may prevent noticing subtle cues indicating original conditions
have changed
• Default plan always worked before
• Reactive responding is easier than proactive thinking
• Stress is normal physiological/behavioral response to threat
• Acute stress hampers performance
– Narrows attention (“tunneling”)
– Reduces working memory capacity
• Combination of surprise, stress, time pressure, and concurrent task
demands can be lethal setup
Social/Organizational Issues
• Actual norms may deviate from Flight Operations Manual
– Little data available on extent to which accident crews’ actions are
• Competing pressures not often acknowledged – Implicit messages from
company may conflict with formal guidance
• e.g. on-time performance vs. conservative response to ambiguous
– Pilots may not be consciously aware of influence of internalized
Implications and Countermeasures
• Focus on deep structure, not superficial manifestations
• “Complacency” is not an explanation for errors
• Most accidents are systems accidents
– Many factors contribute to and combine with errors
– Unrealistic to expect human operators to never make an error or to
automate humans out of the system
• Design overall operating system for resilience to equipment failure,
unexpected events, uncertainty, and human error
• Equipment, procedures, & training must be designed to match human
operating characteristics
• Need better info on how airspace system typically operates and how
crews respond
– e.g., frequency/site of slam-dunk clearances, last-minute runway
changes, unstabilized approaches
• FOQA and LOSA are sources of information
• Must find ways to share FOQA and LOSA data industry-wide to develop
comprehensive picture of system vulnerabilities
• NASA research for next generation FOQA: Aviation Performance
Measurement System (APMS)
– Dr. Tom Chidester: >1% of 16,000 flights: high energy arrivals
unstabilized approaches landing exceedances
• When FOQA and LOSA uncover norms deviating from formal guidance, must
find why (e.g., must identify and change forces discouraging crews from
abandoning unstabilized approaches)
– Conflicting messages from company (e.g., concern for on-time
performance and fuel costs)?
– Viewed as lack of skill?
– Fear of recrimination?
– Fail to recognize logic for unstabilized approach criteria?
• Countermeasure: Publish and check bottom lines; reward adherence
• Airlines should periodically review normal and non-normal procedures
for design
– Checklists run during periods of high interruptions
– Allowing critical items to “float” in time (e.g., setting take off
flaps during taxi)
– Silent annunciation of critical checklist items
– Pilot Monitoring forced to go head down in critical period
• Formalize, train, and test monitoring and cross-checking
Train pilots, managers, instructors, and designers about human cognitive
operating characteristics:
1. Dangers of repetitious operations:
– Checklists are vulnerable to “looking without seeing”, and forgetting
items when interrupted or deferred
– Briefings can become mindless recitations
– Crews can become reactive rather that proactive/strategic
2. Dangers of plan continuation bias and of juggling multiple tasks
3. Effects of acute stress on performance
1. Use briefings and inquiry to look ahead, question assumptions about
situation, identify threats, and prepare options and bottom lines
2. Ask “What if our plan does not work?”
3. Reduce checklist vulnerability
– Execute items in a slow, deliberate manner, pointing and touching
– Anchor checklist initiation to salient event (e.g. top of descent)
– Create salient reminder cues when items are interrupted or deferred
4. Stress inoculation training
– Awareness of cognitive effects
– Slow down and be deliberate
Extra attention to explicit communication and workload management
Implications and Countermeasures:
Acknowledge inherent trade-offs between safety and system efficiency
– Include all parties in analysis of trade-offs
– Make policy decisions explicit and implement guidance |
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