1906 Wright US Patent #821,393  


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No. 821,393 PATENTED MAY 22, 1906
No. 821,393 PATENTED MAY 22, 1906
No. 821,393 PATENTED MAY 22, 1906




No 821,393. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented May 22, 1906.
 Application filed March 23, 1903 Serial No. 149,220














To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that we, ORVILLE WRIGHT
and WILBUR WRIGHT, citizens of the United
States, residing in the city of Dayton, county
of Montgomery, and State of Ohio, have in-
vented certain new and useful Improvements
in Flying-Machines, of which the following is
a specification.
Our invention relates to that class of fly-
ing machines in which the weight is sustained
by the reactions resulting when one or more
aeroplanes are moved through the air edge-
wise at a small angle of incidence, either by
the application of mechanical power or by
the utilization of the force of gravity.
The objects of our invention are to provide
means for maintaining or restoring the equi-
librium or lateral balance of the apparatus,
to provide means for guiding the machine
both vertically and horizontally, and to pro-
vide a structure combining lightness, strength,
convenience of construction, and certain
other advantages which will hereinafter ap-
To these ends our invention consists in cer-
tain novel features, which we will now pro-
ceed to describe and will then particularly
point out in the claims.
In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is
a perspective view of an apparatus embody-
ing our invention in one form. Fig. 2 is a
plan view of the same, partly in horizontal
section and partly broken away. Fig. 3 is a
side elevation, and Figs. 4 and 5 are detail
views, of one form of flexible joint for connect-
ing the upright standards with the aeroplanes.
In flying-machines of the character to
which this invention relates the apparatus is
supported in the air by reason of the contact
between the air and the under surface of one
or more aeroplanes, the contact-surface be-
ing presented at a small angle of incidence to
the air. The relative movements of the air
and aeroplane may be derived from the mo-
tion of the air in the form of wind blowing in
the direction opposite to that in which the
apparatus is traveling or by a combined
downward and forward movement of the ma-
chine, as in starting from an elevated posi-
tion or by combination of these two things,
and in either case the operation is that of a
soaring-machine, while power applied to the
machine to propel it positively forward will
cause the air to support the machine in a simi-
lar manner. In either case owing to the va-
rying conditions to be met there are numer-
/td> ous disturbing forces which tend to shift
the machine from the position which it should
occupy to obtain the desired results. It is
the chief object of our invention to provide
means for remedying this difficulty, and we
will now proceed to describe the construction
by means of which these results are accom-
In the accompanying drawings we have
shown an apparatus embodying our invention
in one form. In this illustrative embodi-
ment the machine is shown as comprising
two parallel superposed aeroplanes 1 and 2,
and this construction we prefer, although our
invention may be embodied in a structure
having a single aeroplane. Each aeroplane
is of considerably greater width from side to
side than from front to rear. The four cor-
ners of the upper aeroplane are indicated by
the reference-letters a, b, c, and d, while the
corresponding corners of the lower aeroplane
2 are indicated by the reference-letters e, f,
g, and h. The marginal lines a b and e f indi-
cate the front edges of the aeroplanes, the
lateral margins of the upper aeroplane are in-
dicated, respectively, by the lines a d and b
c, the lateral margins of the lower aeroplane
are indicated, respectively, by the lines e h
and f g, while the rear margins of the upper
and lower aeroplanes are indicated, respec-
tively, by the lines c d and g h.
Before proceeding to a description of the
fundamental theory of operation of the struc-
ture we will first describe the preferred mode
of constructing the aeroplanes and those por-
tions of the structure which serve to connect
the two aeroplanes.
Each aeroplane is formed by stretching
cloth or other suitable fabric over a frame
composed of two parallel traverse spars 3,
extending from side to side of the machine,
their ends being connected by bows 4, ex-
tending from front to rear of the machine.
The front and rear spars 3 of each aeroplane
are connected by a series of parallel ribs 5,
which preferably extend somewhat beyond
the rear spar, as shown. These spars, bows,
and ribs are preferably constructed of wood
having the necessary strength, combined
with lightness and flexibility. Upon this
framework the cloth which forms the sup-
porting-surface of the aeroplane is secured,
the frame being inclosed in the cloth. The
cloth for each aeroplane previously to its at-
tachment to its frame is cut on the bias and
made up into a single piece approximately




























the size and shape of the aeroplane, having
the threads of the fabric arranged diagonally
to the transverse spars and longitudinal ribs,
as indicated at 6 in Fig. 2. Thus the diag-
onal threads of the cloth form truss systems
with the spars and ribs, the threads consti-
tuting the diagonal members. A hem is
formed at the rear edge of the cloth to receive
a wire 7, which is connected to the ends of
the rear spar and supported by the rear-
wardly-extending ends of the longitudinal
ribs 5, thus forming a rearwardly-extending
flap or portion of the aeroplane. This con-
struction of the aeroplanes gives a surface
which has very great strength to withstand
lateral and longitudinal strains, at the same
time being capable of being bent or twisted
in the manner hereinafter described.
When two aeroplanes are employed, as in
the construction illustrated, they are con-
nected together by upright standards 8.
These standards are substantially rigid, be-
ing preferably constructed of wood and of
equal length, equally spaced along the front
and rear edges of the aeroplane, to which
they are connected at their top and bottom
ends by hinged joints or universal joints of
any suitable description. We have shown
one form of connection which may be used
for this purpose in Figs. 4 and 5 of the draw-
ings. In this construction each end of the
standard 8 has secured to it an eye 9, which
engages with a hook 10, secured to a bracket-
plate 11, which latter plate is in turn fas-
tened to the spar 3. Diagonal braces or stay
wires 12 extend from each end of each stand-
ard to the opposite ends of the adjacent
standards, and as a convenient mode of at-
taching these parts I have shown a hook 13
made integral with the hook 10 to receive
the end of one of the stay-wires, the other
stay-wire being mounted on the hook 10.
The hook 13 is shown as bent down to retain
the stay-wire in connection to it, while the
hook 10 is shown as provided with a pin 14
to hold the stay-wire 12 and eye 9 in position
thereon. It will be seen that this construc-
tion forms a truss system which gives the
whole machine great transverse rigidity and
strength, while at the same time the jointed
connections of the parts permit the aero-
planes to be bent or twisted in the manner
which we will now proceed to describe.
15 indicates a rope or other flexible con-
nection extending lengthwise of the front of
the machine above the lower aeroplane, pass-
ing under pulleys or other suitable guides 16
at the front corners e and f of the lower aero-
plane, and extending thence upward and
rearward to the upper rear corners c and d
of the upper aeroplane, where they are at-
tached, as indicated at 17. To the central
portion of this rope there is connected a lat-
erally-movable cradle 18, which forms a
means for moving the rope lengthwise in one
direction or the other, the cradle being mov-
able toward either side of the machine. We
have devised this cradle as a convenient
means for operating the rope 15, and the
machine is intended to be generally used with
the operator lying face downward on the
lower aeroplane, with his head to the front,
so that the operator's body rests on the cra-
dle, and the cradle can be moved laterally by
the movements of the operator's body. It
will be understood, however, that the rope 15
may be manipulated in any suitable manner.
19 indicates a second rope extending trans-
versely of the machine along the rear edge of
the body portion of the lower aeroplane, pass-
ing under suitable pulleys or guides 20 at the
rear corners g and h of the lower aeroplane,
and extending thence diagonally upward to
the front corners a and b of the upper aero-
plane, where its ends are secured in any suit-
able manner, as indicated at 21.
Considering the structure so far as we have
now described it and assuming that the
cradle 18 be moved to the right in Figs. 1 and
2, as indicated by the arrows applied to the
cradle in Fig. 1 and by the dotted lines in
Fig. 2, it will be seen that that portion of the
rope 15 passing under the guide-pulley at the
corner e and secured to the corner d will be
under tension, while slack is paid out
throughout the other side or half of the rope
15. The part of the rope 15 under tension
exercises a downward pull upon the rear up-
per corner d of the structure and an upward
pull upon the front lower corner e, as indi-
cated by the arrows. This causes the corner
d to move downward and the corner e to move
upward. As the corner e moves upward it
carries the corner a upward with it, since the
intermediate standard 8 is substantially rigid
and maintains an equal distance between the
corners a and e at all times. Similarly, the
standard 8, connecting the corners d and h,
causes the corner h to move downward in uni-
son with the corner d. Since the corner a
thus moves upward and the corner h moves
downward, that portion of the rope 19 con-
nected to the corner a will be pulled upward
through the pulley 20 at the corner h, and the
pull thus exerted on the rope 19 will pull the
corner b on the other side of the machine
downward and at the same time pull the cor-
ner g at said other side of the machine up-
ward. This results in a downward movement
of the corner b and an upward movement of
the corner c. Thus it results from a lateral
movement of the cradle 18 to the right in
Fig. 1 that the lateral margins a d and e h at
one side of the machine are moved from their
normal positions, in which they lie in the nor-
mal planes of their respective aeroplanes, into
angular relations with said normal planes,
each lateral margin on this side of the ma-
chine being raised above said normal plane at
its forward end and depressed below said nor-






























mal plane at its rear end, said lateral margins
being thus inclined upward and forward. At
the same time a reverse inclination is impart-
ed to the lateral margins b c and f g at the
other side of the machine, their inclination
being downward and forward. These posi-
tions are indicated in dotted lines in Fig. 1 of
the drawings. A movement of the cradle 18
in the opposite direction from its normal po-
sition will reverse the angular inclination of
the lateral margins of the aeroplanes in an
obvious manner. By reason of this con-
struction it will be seen that with the particu-
lar mode of construction now under consider-
ation it is possible to move the forward corner
of the lateral edges of the aeroplane on one
side of the machine either above or below the
normal planes of the aeroplanes, a reverse
movement of the forward corners of the lat-
eral margins on the other side of the machine
occurring simultaneously. During this op-
eration each aeroplane is twisted or distorted
around a line extending centrally across the
same from the middle of one lateral margin to
the middle of the other lateral margin, the
twist due to the moving of the lateral mar-
gins to different angles extending across each
aeroplane from side to side, so that each aero-
plane surface is given a helicoidal warp or
twist. We prefer this construction and
mode of operation for the reason that it gives
a gradually-increasing angle to the body of
each aeroplane from the central longitudinal
line thereof outward to the margin, thus giv-
ing a continuous surface on each side of the
machine, which has a gradually increasing or
decreasing angle of incidence from the center
of the machine to either side. We wish it to
be understood, however, that our invention is
not limited to this particular construction,
since any construction whereby the angular
relations of the lateral margins of the aero-
planes may be varied in opposite directions
with respect to the normal planes of said
aeroplanes comes within the scope of our in-
vention. Furthermore, it should be under-
stood that while the lateral margins of the
aeroplanes move to different angular posi-
tions with respect to or above and below the
normal planes of said aeroplanes it does not
necessarily follow that these movements
bring the opposite lateral edges to different
angles respectively above and below a hori-
zontal plane, since the normal planes of the
bodies of the aeroplanes are inclined to the
horizontal when the machine is in flight, said
inclination being downward from front to rear,
and while the forward corners on one side of
the machine may be depressed below the nor-
mal planes of the bodies of the aeroplanes
said depression is not necessarily sufficient to
carry them below the horizontal planes pass-
ing through the rear corners on that side.
Moreover, although we prefer to so construct
the apparatus that the movements of the lat-
eral margins on the opposite sides of the ma-
chine are equal in extent and opposite in di-
rection, yet our invention is not limited to a
construction producing this result, since it
may be desirable under certain circumstances
to move the lateral margins on one side of the
machine in the manner just described with-
out moving the lateral margins on the other
side of the machine to an equal extent in the
opposite direction. Turning now to the pur-
pose of this provision for moving the lateral
margins of the aeroplanes in the manner de-
scribed, it should be premised that owing to
various conditions of wind-pressure and other
causes the body of the machine is apt to be-
come unbalanced laterally, one side tending
to sink and the other side tending to rise, the
machine turning around its central longitu-
dinal axis. The provision which we have
just described enables the operator to meet
this difficulty and preserve the lateral bal-
ance of the machine. Assuming that for
some cause the side of the machine which
lies to the left of the observer in Figs. 1 and 2
has shown a tendency to drop downward, a
movement of the cradle 18 to the right of said
figures, as hereinbefore assumed, will move
the lateral margins of the aeroplanes in the
manner already described, so that the mar-
gins a d and e h will be inclined downward
and rearward and the lateral margins b c and
f g will be inclined upward and rearward with
respect to the normal planes of the bodies of the
aeroplanes. With the parts of the machine
in this position it will be seen that the lateral
margins a d and e h present a larger angle of
incidence to the resisting air, while the lat-
eral margins on the other side of the machine
present a smaller angle of incidence. Owing
to this fact, the side of the machine present-
ing the larger angle of incidence will tend to
lift or move upward, and this upward move-
ment will restore the lateral balance of the
machine. When the other side of the ma-
chine tends to drop, a movement of the cradle
18 in the reverse direction will restore the
machine to its normal lateral equilibrium.
Of course the same effect will be produced in
the same way in the case of a machine employ-
ing only a single aeroplane.
In connection with the body of the ma-
chine as thus operated we employ a vertical
rudder or tail 22, so supported as to turn
around a vertical axis. This rudder is sup-
ported at the rear ends of supports or arms
23, pivoted at their forward ends to the rear
margins of the upper and lower aeroplanes,
respectively. These supports are preferably
V-shaped, as shown, so that their forward
ends are comparatively widely separated,
their pivots being indicated at 24. Said sup-
ports are free to swing upward at their free
rear ends, as indicated in dotted lines in Fig.
3, their downward movement being limited
in any suitable manner. The vertical pivots






























of the rudder 22 are indicated at 25, and one
of these pivots has mounted thereon a sheave
or pulley 26, around which passes a tiller-
rope 27, the ends of which are extended out
laterally and secured to the rope 19 on oppo-
site sides of the central point of said rope.
By reason of this construction the lateral
shifting of the cradle 18 serves to turn the
rudder to one side or the other of the line of
flight. It will be observed in this connection
that the construction is such that the rudder
will always be so turned as to present its re-
sisting-surface on that side of the machine on
which the lateral margins of the aeroplanes
present the least angle of resistance. The
reason of this construction is that when the
lateral margins of the aeroplanes are so turned
in the manner hereinbefore described as to
present different angles of incidence to the
atmosphere that side presenting the largest
angle of incidence, although being lifted or
moved upward in the manner already de-
scribed, at the same time meets with an in-
creased resistance to its forward motion, and 
is therefore retarded in its forward motion,
while at the same time the other side of the
machine, presenting a smaller angle of inci-
dence, meets with less resistance to its for-
ward motion and tends to move forward more
rapidly than the retarded side. This gives
the machine a tendency to turn around its
vertical axis, and this tendency if not prop-
erly met will not only change the direction of
the front of the machine, but will ultimately
permit one side thereof to drop into a posi
tion vertically below the other side with the
aeroplanes in vertical position, thus causing
the machine to fall. The movement of the
rudder hereinbefore described prevents this
action, since it exerts a retarding influence on
that side of the machine which tends to move
forward too rapidly and keeps the machine
with its front properly presented to the direc-
tion of flight and with its body properly bal-
anced around its central longitudinal axis.
The pivoting of the supports 23 so as to per-
mit them to swing upward prevents injury to
the rudder and its supports in case the ma-
chine alights at such an angle as to cause the
rudder to strike the ground first, the parts
yielding upward, as indicated in dotted lines
in Fig. 3, and thus preventing injury or
breakage. We wish it to be understood,
however, that we do not limit ourselves to
the particular description of rudder set forth,
the essential being that the rudder shall be
vertical and shall be so moved as to pre-
sent its resisting-surface on that side of the
machine which offers the least resistance to
the atmosphere, so as to counteract the tend-
ency of the machine to turn around a vertical
axis when the two sides thereof offer different
resistances to the air.
From the central portion of the front of the
machine struts 28 extend horizontally for-
ward from the lower aeroplane, and struts 29
extend downward and forward from the cen-
tral portion of the upper aeroplane, their
front ends being united to the struts 28, the
forward extremities of which are turned up,
as indicated at 30. These struts 28 and 29
form truss-skids projecting in front of the
whole frame of the machine and serving to
prevent the machine from rolling over for-
ward when it alights. The struts 29 serve to
brace the upper portion of the main frame
and resist its tendency to move forward
after the lower aeroplane has been stopped
by its contact with the earth, thereby reliev-
ing the rope 19 from undue strain, for it will be
understood that when the machine comes into
contact with the earth further forward
movement of the lower portion thereof being
suddenly arrested the inertia of the upper
portion would tend to cause it to continue to
move forward if not prevented by the struts
29, and this forward movement of the upper
portion would bring a very violent strain
upon the rope 19, since it is fastened to the
upper portion at both of its ends, while its
lower portion is connected by the guides 20
to the lower portion. The struts 28 and 29
also serve to support the front or horizontal
rudder, the construction of which we will
now proceed to describe.
The front rudder 31 is a horizontal rudder
having a flexible body, the same consisting of
three stiff cross-pieces or sticks 32, 33, and 34,
and the flexible ribs 35, connecting said cross-
pieces and extending from front to rear. The
frame thus provided is covered by a suitable
fabric stretched over the same to form the
body of the rudder. The rudder is supported
from the struts 29 by means of the interme-
diate cross-piece 32, which is located near the
center of pressure slightly in front of a line
equidistant between the front and rear edges
of the rudder, the cross-piece 32 forming the
pivotal axis of the rudder, so as to constitute
a balanced rudder. To the front edge of the
rudder there are connected springs 36, which
springs are connected to the upturned ends
30 of the struts 28, the construction being
such that said springs tend to resist any
movement either upward or downward of the
front edge of the horizontal rudder. The
rear edge of the rudder lies immediately in
front of the operator and may be operated by
him in any suitable manner. We have
shown a mechanism for this purpose com-
prising a roller or shaft 37, which may be
grasped by the operator so as to turn the
same in either direction. Bands 38 extend
from the roller 37 forward to and around a
similar roller or shaft 39, both rollers or shafts
being supported in suitable bearings on the
struts 28. The forward roller or shaft has
rearwardly-extending arms 40, which are
connected by links 41 with the rear edge of
the rudder 31. The normal position of the






























rudder 31 is neutral or substantially parallel
with the aeroplanes 1 and 2; but its rear
edge may be moved upward or downward, so
as to be above or below the normal plane of
said rudder through the mechanism provided
for that purpose. It will be seen that the
springs 36 will resist any tendency of the for-
ward edge of the rudder to move in either di-
rection, so that when force is applied to the
rear edge of said rudder the longitudinal ribs
35 bend, and the rudder thus presents a con-
cave surface to the action of the wind either
above or below its normal plane, said surface
presenting a small angle of incidence at its
forward portion and said angle of incidence
rapidly increasing toward the rear. This
greatly increases the efficiency of the rudder
as compared with a plane surface of equal
area. By regulating the pressure on the up-
per and lower sides of the rudder through
changes of angle and curvature in the man-
ner described a turning movement of the
main structure around its transverse axis
may be effected, and the course of the machine
may thus be directed upward or downward
at the will of the operator and the longitudi-
nal balance thereof maintained.
Contrary to the usual custom, we place the
horizontal rudder in front of the aeroplanes
at a negative angle and employ no horizontal
tail at all. By this arrangement we obtain a
forward surface which is almost entirely free
from pressure under ordinary conditions of
flight, but which even if not moved at all
from its original position becomes an effi-
cient lifting-surface whenever the speed of
the machine is accidentally reduced very
much below the normal, and thus largely
counteracts that backward travel of the cen-
ter of pressure on the aeroplanes which has
frequently been productive of serious injuries
by causing the machine to turn downward
and forward and strike the ground head-on.
We are aware that a forward horizontal rud-
der of different construction has been used in
combination with a supporting-surface and a
rear horizontal rudder; but this combination
was not intended to effect and does not effect
the object which we obtain by the arrange-
ment hereinbefore described.
We have used the term "aeroplane" in this
specification and the appended claims to in-
dicate the supporting-surface or supporting-
surfaces by means of which the machine is
sustained in the air, and by this term we wish
to be understood as including any suitable
supporting-surface which normally is sub-
stantially flat, although of course when con-
structed of cloth or other flexible fabric, as
we prefer to construct them, these surfaces
may receive more or less curvature from the
resistance of the air, as indicated in Fig. 3.
We do not wish to be understood as limit-
ing ourselves strictly to the precise details of
construction hereinbefore described and
shown in the accompanying drawings, as it
is obvious that these details may be modified
without departing from the principles of our
invention. For instance, while we prefer the
construction illustrated in which each aero-
plane is given a twist along its entire length
in order to set its opposite lateral margins at
different angles we have already pointed out
that our invention is not limited to this form
of construction, since it is only necessary to
move the lateral marginal portions, and where
these portions alone are moved only those
upright standards which support the mov-
able portion require flexible connections at
their ends.
Having thus fully described our invention,
what we claim as new, and desire to secure 
by Letters Patent, is--
1. In a flying-machine, a normally flat
aeroplane having lateral marginal portions
capable of movement to different positions
above or blow the normal plane of the body
of the aeroplane, such movement being about
an axis transverse to the line of flight, where-
by said lateral marginal portions may be 
moved to different angles relatively to the
normal plane of the body of the aeroplane,
so as to present to the atmosphere different
angles of incidence, and means for so mov-
ing said lateral marginal portions, substan-
tially as described.
2. In a flying-machine, the combination,
with two normally parallel aeroplanes, su-
perposed the one above the other, of upright
standards connecting said planes at their 
margins, the connections between the stand-
ards and aeroplanes at the lateral portions of
the aeroplanes being by means of flexible
joints, each of said aeroplanes having lateral
marginal portions capable of movement to
different positions above or below the normal
plane of the body of the aeroplane, such move-
ment being about an axis transverse to the
line of flight, whereby said lateral marginal
portions may be moved to different angles
relatively to the normal plane of the body of
the aeroplane, so as to present to the atmos-
phere different angles of incidence, the stand-
ards maintaining a fixed distance between
the portions of the aeroplanes which they con-
nect, and means for imparting such move-
ment to the lateral marginal portions of the
aeroplanes, substantially as described.
3. In a flying-machine, a normally flat
aeroplane having lateral marginal portions
capable of movement to different positions
above or below the normal plane of the body
of the aeroplane, such movement being about
an axis transverse to the line of flight, where-
by said lateral marginal portions may be 
moved to different angles relatively to the
normal plane of the body of the aeroplane,
and also to different angles relatively to each
other, so as to present to the atmosphere dif-
ferent angles of incidence, and means for si-






























multaneously imparting such movement to
said lateral marginal portions, substantially
as described.
4. In a flying-machine, the combination, 
with parallel superposed aeroplanes, each 
having lateral marginal portions capable of
movement to different positions above or be-
low the normal plane of the body of the aero-
plane, such movement being about an axis
transverse to the line of flight, whereby said
lateral marginal portions may be moved to
different angles relatively to the normal plane
of the body of the aeroplane, and to different
angles relatively to each other, so as to pre-
sent to the atmosphere different angles of in-
cidence, of uprights connecting said aero-
planes at their edges, the uprights connecting
the lateral portions of the aeroplanes being
connected with said aeroplanes by flexible
joints, and means for simultaneously impart-
ing such movement to said lateral marginal
portions, the standards maintaining a fixed
distance between the parts which they con-
nect, whereby the lateral portions on the
same side of the machine are moved to the
same angle, substantially as described.
5. In a flying-machine, an aeroplane hav-
ing substantially the form of a normally flat
rectangle enlongated transversely to the line
of flight, in combination with means for im-
parting to the lateral margins of said aero-
plane a movement about an axis lying in the
body of the aeroplane perpendicular to said
lateral margins, and thereby moving said lat-
eral margins into different angular relations
to the normal plane of the body of the aero-
plane, substantially as described.
6. In a flying-machine, the combination,
with two superposed and normally parallel
aeroplanes, each having substantially the
form of a normally flat rectangle elongated
transversely to the line of flight, of upright
standards connecting the edges of said aero-
planes to maintain their equidistance, those
standards at the lateral portions of said aero-
planes being connected therewith by flexible
joints, and means for simultaneously impart-
ing to both lateral margins of both aeroplanes
a movement about axes which are perpendic-
ular to said margins and in the planes of the
bodies of the respective aeroplanes, and
thereby moving the lateral margins on the
opposite sides of the machine into different
angular relations to the normal planes of the
respective aeroplanes, the margins on the
same side of the machine moving to the same
angle, and the margins on one side of the ma-
chine moving to an angle different from the
angle to which the margins on the other side
of the machine move, substantially as de-
7. In a flying-machine, the combination,
with an aeroplane, and means for simultane-
ously moving the lateral portions thereof into
different angular relations to the normal
plane of the body of the aeroplane and to
each other, so as to present to the atmosphere
different angles of incidence, of a vertical
rudder, and means whereby said rudder is
caused to present to the wind that side there-
of nearest the side of the aeroplane having
the smaller angle of incidence and offering the
least resistance to the atmosphere, substan-
tially as described.
8. In a flying-machine, the combination,
with two superposed and normally parallel
aeroplanes, upright standards connecting the
edges of said aeroplanes to maintain their
equidistance, those standards at the lateral
portions of said aeroplanes being connected
therewith by flexible joints, and means for si-
multaneously moving both lateral portions
of both aeroplanes into different angular re-
lations to the normal planes of the bodies of
the respective aeroplanes, the lateral por-
tions on one side of the machine being moved
to an angle different from that to which the
lateral portions on the other side of the ma-
chine are moved, so as to present different
angles of incidence at the two sides of the ma-
chine, of a vertical rudder, and means where-
by said rudder is caused to present to the
wind that side thereof nearest the side of the
aeroplanes having the smaller angle of inci-
dence and offering the least resistance to the
atmosphere, substantially as described.
9. In a flying-machine, an aeroplane nor-
mally flat and elongated transversely to the 
line of flight, in combination with means for
imparting to said aeroplane a helicoidal warp
around an axis transverse to the line of flight
and extending centrally along the body of the
aeroplane in the direction of the elongation
of the aeroplane, substantially as described.
10. In a flying-machine, two aeroplanes,
each normally flat and elongated trans-
versely to the line of flight, and upright
standards connecting the edges of said aero-
planes to maintain their equidistance, the
connections between said standards and aero-
planes being by means of flexible joints, in
combination with means for simultaneously
imparting to each of said aeroplanes a heli-
coidal warp around an axis transverse to the 
line of flight, and extending centrally along
the body of the aeroplane in the direction of
the elongation of the aeroplane, substantially
as described.
11. In a flying-machine, two aeroplanes,
each normally flat and elongated trans-
versely to the line of flight, and upright
standards connecting the edges of said aero-
planes to maintain their equidistance, the
connections between such standards and
aeroplanes being by means of flexible joints,
in combination with means for simultane-
ously imparting to each of said aeroplanes a
helicoidal warp around an axis transverse to

























the line of flight and extending centrally
along the body of the aeroplane in the direc-
tion of the elongation of the aeroplane, a ver-
tical rudder, and means whereby said rudder
is caused to present to the wind that side
thereof nearest the side of the aeroplanes
having the smaller angle of incidence and of-
fering the least resistance to the atmosphere,
substantially as described.
12. In a flying-machine, the combination,
with an aeroplane, of a normally flat and sub-
stantially horizontal flexible rudder, and
means for curving said rudder rearwardly
and upwardly or rearwardly and down-
wardly with respect to its normal plane, sub-
stantially as described.
13. In a flying-machine, the combination,
with an aeroplane, of a normally flat and sub-
stantially horizontal flexible rudder pivotally
mounted on an axis transverse to the line of
flight near its center, springs resisting verti-
cal movement of the front edge of said rudder,
and means for moving the rear edge of said
rudder above or below the normal plane
thereof, substantially as described.
14. A flying-machine comprising super-
posed connected aeroplanes, means for mov-
ing the opposite lateral portions of said aero-
planes to different angles to the normal
planes thereof, a vertical rudder, means for
moving said vertical rudder toward that side
of the machine presenting the smaller angle
of incidence and the least resistance to the
atmosphere, and a horizontal rudder pro-
vided with means for presenting its upper or
under surface to the resistance of the atmos-
phere, substantially as described.
15. A flying-machine comprising super-
posed connected aeroplanes, means for mov-
ing the opposite lateral portions of said aero-
planes to different angles to the normal
planes thereof, a vertical rudder, means for
moving said vertical rudder toward that side
of the machine presenting the smaller angle
of incidence and the least resistance to the at-
mosphere, and a horizontal rudder provided
with means for presenting its upper or under
surface to the resistance of the atmosphere,
said vertical rudder being located at the rear
of the machine and said horizontal rudder at
the front of the machine, substantially as de-
16. In a flying-machine, the combination,
with two superposed and connected aero-
planes, of an arm extending rearward from
each aeroplane, said arms being parallel and
free to swing upward at their rear ends, and a
vertical rudder pivotally mounted in the rear
ends of said arms, substantially as described.
17. A flying-machine comprising two su-
perposed aeroplanes, normally flat but flexi-
ble, upright standards connecting the mar-
gins of said aeroplanes, said standards being
connected to said aeroplanes by universal
joints, diagonal stay-wires connecting the
opposite ends of the adjacent standards, a
rope extending along the front edge of the
lower aeroplane, passing through guides at
the front corners thereof, and having its ends
secured to the rear corners of the upper aero-
plane, and a rope extending along the rear
edge of the lower aeroplane, passing through
guides at the rear corners thereof, and having
its ends secured to the front corners of the
upper aeroplane, substantially as described.
18. A flying-machine comprising two su-
perposed aeroplanes, normally flat but flexi-
ble, upright standards connecting the mar-
gins of said aeroplanes, said standards being
connected to said aeroplanes by universal
joints, diagonal stay-wires connecting the
opposite ends of the adjacent standards, a
rope extending along the front edge of the
lower aeroplane, passing through guides at
the front corners thereof, and having its ends
secured to the rear corners of the upper aero-
plane, and a rope extending along the rear
edge of the lower aeroplane, passing through
guides at the rear corners thereof, and having
its ends secured to the front corners of the
upper aeroplane, in combination with a verti-
cal rudder, and a tiller-rope connecting said
rudder with the rope extending along the
rear edge of the lower aeroplane, substan-
tially as described. 











This patent was transcribed by Gary Bradshaw and proofread by Jeff Shrager from a copy supplied by the US Patent Office. Great care was taken not only to ensure an accurate transcription, but also to preserve much of the style of the original within the current limitations of html. I'm working on an acrobat version that will be more faithful to the original. As with most other activities on this web site, don't expect rapid progress.