VI.A.8. Subpart L - Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and
Applicability. Part 121 certificate holders are required to
adopt a continuous airworthiness maintenance program (CAMP), which has
a proven track record for large transport category airplanes. Under §
135.411(a)(2), airplanes that are type certificated for a passenger-
seating configuration of 10 seats or more are already required to
comply with a CAMP similar to part 121 requirements. The proposed
rule would require all airplanes type certificated for 10 or more
passengers to comply with part 121 CAMP requirements. These
requirements are consistent with present-day maintenance standards and
techniques to manage airplane airworthiness. The proposal to include
affected commuters under part 121 maintenance requirements would not
necessitate a revision to § 121.361.
Section 121.361(b) contains a deviation provision allowing
certain foreign noncertificated persons to perform maintenance.
Affected commuters would now have this option available. Since many
of the airplanes that are the subject of this rulemaking are
manufactured outside the United States, this deviation provision would
allow certificate holders to have the original equipment manufacturers
perform some overhauls and repairs.
Comments: Jetstream Aircraft Limited supports the proposals to
apply this subpart to affected commuters.
American Eagle encourages proposed rulemaking which would mirror
current parts 121 and 25 maintenance and inspection requirements for
aircraft certificated under part 23 or SFAR 41 and used in commercial
aviation of any type.
FAA Response: Since the comments in effect support the proposed
rule changes, they are adopted as proposed.
Responsibility for airworthiness. Section 121.363 places the
responsibility for airworthiness of an airplane on the certificate
holder; § 135.413 contains a similar requirement. Under the proposal,
affected commuters must comply with § 121.363. Section 135.413(a)
requires a part 135 operator to have defects repaired between required
maintenance under part 43. This provision does not appear in part
121. Part 121 operators are required to have defects repaired in
accordance with their maintenance manual. Since an FAA-approved
maintenance manual requires no less than the part 43 requirements,
affected commuters would experience no change in requirements under
the proposal. On this issue, no comments were received and the final
rule is adopted as proposed.
Maintenance and preventive maintenance, and alteration
organization. Section 121.365 requires the certificate holder to have
an adequate maintenance organization for the accomplishment of
maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations on its airplanes.
The provision allows the certificate holder to arrange with another
person to accomplish the work, provided that the certificate holder
determines that the person has an organization adequate to perform the
work. This provision requires separate inspection functions to ensure
that those items directly affecting the safety of flight are verified
to be correct by someone other than the person who performed the work.
The FAA recognizes that other provisions of the proposed rule in
Notice 95-5, which would require affected certificate holders to
install new equipment and might lead to replacement of part 23 type
certificated airplanes with part 25 type certificated airplanes, could
necessitate that maintenance personnel (as required by this section
and by §§ 121.367 and 121.371) have additional skills and training.
Comments: American Eagle supports the proposal.
FAA Response: Since the only comment on this issue is
supportive, the rule is adopted as proposed.
Manual requirements. Sections 121.369 and 135.427 have almost
identical requirements specifying that the certificate holder include
in its manual a description of the organization required by § 121.365
and a list of persons with whom it has arranged for the performance of
any required inspections, other maintenance, preventive maintenance,
or alterations. The manual must contain the programs required by §
121.367, including the methods of performing required inspections,
other maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations. This
manual is necessary to ensure that the certificate holder has provided
an adequate maintenance program for the airworthiness of its airplanes
and to inform its personnel, or other persons who perform maintenance,
of their responsibilities regarding the performance of maintenance on
the airplane. In the proposal, the FAA required affected commuters to
comply with part 121. No comments were received on this issue and the
final rule is adopted as proposed.
Required inspection personnel. Sections 121.371 and 135.429
contain similar requirements for inspection personnel, including
provisions for specific qualifications for and supervision of an
inspection unit. Included is a requirement for listing names and
appropriate information of persons who have been trained, qualified,
and authorized to conduct required inspections. This requirement
ensures that competent and properly trained inspection personnel are
authorized to perform the required inspections. In Notice 95-5, the
FAA required affected commuters to comply with part 121. No comments
were received on this issue and the final rule is adopted as proposed.
Continuing analysis and surveillance. Section 121.373 on
continuing analysis and surveillance is almost identical to the
provisions of § 135.431. The FAA proposed that affected commuters
comply with § 121.373. Section 121.373 provides for: the
establishment by the certificate holder of a system to continually
analyze the performance and effectiveness of the programs covering
maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations; the correction
of any deficiencies in those programs; and the requirement by the
Administrator that the certificate holder make changes in either or
both of its programs if those programs do not contain adequate
procedures and standards to meet the requirements of this part. No
comments were received on this issue and the final rule is adopted as
Maintenance and preventative maintenance training programs.
Sections 121.375 and 135.433 contain identical requirements
prescribing training programs that ensure that persons performing
maintenance or preventive maintenance functions (including inspection
personnel) are fully informed about procedures, techniques, and new
equipment in use and that those personnel are competent to perform
their required duties. The FAA proposed that operators comply with
part 121. On this issue, no comments were received and the final rule
is adopted as proposed.
Maintenance and preventive maintenance personnel duty time
limitations. Section 121.377 establishes the requirements for
maintenance personnel to be relieved from duty for a period of at
least 24 consecutive hours during any 7 consecutive days, or the
equivalent thereof within any calendar month. This requirement is for
maintenance personnel within the United States. This provision would
be a new requirement for affected commuters.
Comments: AACA states that most Alaskan certificate holders
utilize mixed fleets ranging from under 9 passenger seats, 10-19
seats, and more than 20 seats. These carriers frequently employ
maintenance personnel who are qualified to work on all the aircraft in
a particular certificate holder's fleet, regardless of the aircraft's
seating capacity. If the rule is adopted as proposed, these
certificate holders will have to schedule maintenance personnel
according to part 121 standards to avoid inadvertently violating the
maintenance personnel duty time limitations. At locations with
limited maintenance personnel and mixed fleets of 1-to-9, and 10-to-29
seat aircraft, this new requirement would place an additional
administrative scheduling burden and financial compliance cost on the
air carrier. Alternatively, an air carrier might have to develop and
apply two separate work schedules for mechanics, one for part 121
mechanics and aircraft and another for part 135 mechanics and
aircraft. AACA states that the FAA's economic analysis failed to
address any cost impacts of this requirement. AACA also asks for
guidance for those operators who employ maintenance personnel that
might work under both part 121 and part 135.
FAA Response: The existing rule requires only 24 consecutive
hours off during any 7 consecutive days. While it may have been
possible to work mechanics under part 135 7 days a week, without rest,
the FAA believes that the combination of union work rules, Department
of Labor regulations, and general practice of a day of rest each week
would, in effect, accomplish the same result as the rule.
Mechanics must receive adequate rest in order to properly perform
their duties. Prescribing a minimum standard will ensure that some
rest is provided. It would be inconsistent to require rest for the
pilots and flight attendants but not for the people responsible for
maintaining the airplane. The FAA believes that the burden of
scheduling and providing a day of rest would be minimal. Standard
time cards, a common practice, could be used to show compliance.
No FAA regulation prevents a mechanic from working for both a
part 121 and a part 135 employer when the mechanic is qualified and,
when working on airplanes operated under part 121, the certificate
holder meets the regulatory requirements of part 121 for time free
from duty.
It should also be noted that the rule allows flexibility by
requiring that a certificate holder shall relieve each person
performing maintenance or preventive maintenance from duty for at
least 24 consecutive hours during any 7 consecutive days, "or the
equivalent thereof within any calendar month."
The final rule is adopted as proposed.
Certificate Requirements. Sections 121.378 and 135.435 contain
identical requirements specifying that each person, other than a
repair station certificated under the provisions of subpart C of part
145, who is directly in charge of maintenance, preventive maintenance,
or alterations, and each person performing required inspections, hold
an appropriate airman certificate. The FAA proposed that affected
commuters comply with part 121. No comments were received on this
issue and the final rule is adopted as proposed.
Authority to perform and approve maintenance, preventative
maintenance, and alterations. Sections 121.379 and 135.437 contain
similar requirements allowing certificate holders to perform or make
arrangements with other persons to perform maintenance, preventive
maintenance, and alterations as provided in its continuous
airworthiness maintenance program and its manual. In addition, a
certificate holder may perform these functions for another certificate
holder. The rules require that all major repairs and alterations must
have been accomplished with data approved by the Administrator. The
FAA proposed that affected commuters comply with part 121. No
comments were received on this issue and the final rule is adopted as
Maintenance recording requirements. Section 121.380 provides
for the preparation, maintenance, and retention of certain records
using the system specified in the certificate holder's manual. The
rule also specifies the length of time that the records must be
retained and requires that the records be transferred with the
airplane at the time it is sold. A small change was proposed to
§ 121.380(a)(2) to accommodate propeller-driven airplanes used by some
affected commuters and to
§ 121.380(a)(2)(v) to adopt the language found in § 135.439(a)(2)(v)
to provide more complete records on airworthiness directive
Comments: Zantop International Airlines, Inc. (a current part
121 certificate holder) objects to the proposed change to
§ 121.380(a)(2)(i) that would add engine and propeller total time in
service to the list of items that must be recorded. Zantop says that
the engine and propeller requirement is new for them and that the
aircraft (airframe) total hours in service is the only time
transferred on many of its older aircraft. The new requirement would
result in searching maintenance records to determine the historical
time on the engine and propeller. In some cases this information may
not be available. Zantop recommends that an exemption be provided for
older aircraft or that these records only be required for future
FAA Response: Although current § 121.380(a)(2)(i) does not
specifically call for total time in-service records of engines or
propellers, it does require a record of life-limited parts for these
components. The only way to accomplish this is by keeping records for
total time in service. Total time in service records may consist of
aircraft maintenance record pages, separate component cards or pages,
a computer list, or other methods as described in the applicant's
Tracing a life-limited part back to its origin would be required
only in those situations where the certificate holder's records are so
incomplete that an accurate determination of the time elapsed on the
life-limited part could not be made.
The part 135 certificate holders moving to part 121 will have no
impact from this rule, since they are already tracking airframe,
engine, and propeller time under § 135.439(a)(2)(i).
The airframe, engine, and propeller information is helpful in
tracking airworthiness directive compliance and life limits for life-
limited parts. It also standardizes language between part 135 and
part 121. The FAA believes that at least some of the current part
121 certificate holders have the information in existing required
records in order to show compliance with life-limited components.
However, the FAA has decided to allow current part 121 operators some
time to come into compliance with the requirements for recording total
time for engines and propellers. The final rule for § 121.380 has
been revised accordingly.
Transfer of maintenance records. Section 121.380a requires the
certificate holder to transfer certain maintenance records to the
purchaser at the time of the sale, either in plain language form or in
coded form. This section is worded the same as § 135.441 except
that the part 121 provision allows the purchaser to select the format
of the transferred records. Notice 95-5 specified that affected
commuters comply with part 121. No comments were received on this
issue and the final rule is adopted as proposed.