2/6/07 Cessna Aircraft
Company, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, today announced it will deliver
72 new Cessna 172 Skyhawks this year to the Civil Aviation Flying University
of China (CAFUC) for use as primary pilot trainers. This sale follows
delivery of 42 Skyhawks to CAFUC in 2006.
All 72 aircraft under current contract will have the Garmin G1000 “glass”
avionics suite, representing the latest in training technology. The
government-owned CAFUC is the country’s largest flight training center,
accounting for about 90 percent of the pilots produced in China. The school
also operates six Citation CJ1 jets.
“Like so many other flight schools around the world, the CAFUC is installing
as its training foundation an aircraft that is easy to fly, reliable, and
has a reputation for dependability,” said John Doman, Cessna vice president
of propeller aircraft sales. “With the Skyhawk’s excellent flying
characteristics and the G1000’s advanced functionality, the CAFUC is getting one of the best primary flight trainers in the world.”