Garmin G1000 Avionics System Introduced In DA40 Diamond Star



Garmin G1000 Avionics System Introduced In DA40 Diamond Star

September 30, 2003, Diamond Aircraft has previewed the world's first certified application of the fully integrated G1000 Glass Flight Deck in its DA40 Diamond Star. In contrast to currently available glass cockpits, the fully integrated G1000 system dispenses with conventional panel mounted avionics equipment and offers additional features previously unavailable in propeller driven airplanes.

The system includes dual PFD/MFD sunlight readable 10-inch display panels, a centrally mounted audio controller and a remote mounted avionics compartment. The flexible equipment architecture allowed Diamond's engineers to completely redesign the instrument panel to provide improved viewing angles, accessibility, cockpit space, ventilation and aesthetics. The all new instrument panel consists of several flat planes, each angled to offer the best viewing angles and operating ergonomics. The entire panel is finished with integrally lit, laser etched polycarbonate overlays, normally found only on turbine aircraft.


"Garmin's all-glass cockpit offers an increased level of situational awareness, further enhancing the many safety advantages of the Diamond Star," said John Gauch, Diamond's vice president of sales and marketing for North America. "The G1000 avionics system is revolutionizing the way aircraft are being designed and we are proud to be the first to offer this exciting equipment in an aircraft positioned to serve both the recreational and training markets."
 True to Garmin's tradition of technological innovation, the modular design and open architecture of the Garmin G1000 integrated avionics system makes it possible to provide the same state-of-the-art functionality to a broad range of aircraft. The G1000 has been selected for Diamond's twin engine DA42 Twin Star as well as the Cessna Citation Mustang. Flight-critical information is uniquely integrated and digitally depicted on the large-format PFD and MFD to simplify operation, enhance situational awareness and increase flight safety. Additionally, the DA40 Diamond Star configuration will include the following VHF navigation with ILS; and VHF communication with 16-watt transceivers and 8.33-kHz channel spacing; 

  • Mode-S transponder with Traffic Information Service

  • Solid-state Attitude and Heading Reference System

  • Digital air data computer

  • Optional weather and terrain data

Interface to the Bendix/King KAP 140 2-axis Autopilot "We are excited about launching the G1000 system in the DA40 Diamond Star," said Gary Kelley, Garmin's director of marketing. "Diamond has proven to be an excellent partner to work with on this advanced avionics package." An estimated price premium of $25,000 over a conventional IFR equipped DA40 is expected for the G1000 system. First deliveries are expected end of first quarter 2004.

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