The Signal Corps Creates Aviation Section


The Signal Corps Creates Aviation Section  

July 18, 1914. The Aviation Section of the Signal Corps is Created On July 18, 1914, the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps was created, giving definite status to the air service for the first time. The only flying unit in the Aviation Section in addition to the Aviation School was the 1st Aero Squadron which, on August 5, 1914, had 12 officers, 54 enlisted men, and six airplanes assigned to it at North Island.

Due to the shortage of aviation personnel and equipment, the officers and enlisted men of the squadron were also assigned duty with the Aviation School and the squadron's airplanes were used to teach aviation students how to fly. By October 1914, the squadron's strength had increased to 16 officers, 77 enlisted men, and eight airplanes, but its personnel and equipment still had to be shared with the Aviation School. The Aviation Section of the Signal Corps is created by Congress. Sixty officers and students and 260 enlisted men are authorized.

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