Congress Adopted The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Congress Adopted The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution  

On Aug. 7SOUTH VIETNAM Because the Viet Cong usually operated at night, the USAF developed night tactics using SC-47s to drop flares. Early in 1962 tests began for defoliating the jungle to deny the enemy cover. As Viet Cong activity increased, so did our response and U.S. personnel were given permission to engage the enemy under certain conditions. Much of the U.S. buildup consisted of Army and Marine helicopter units to increase support to South Vietnamese troops in the field.

However, U.S. strategy still called for the buildup of South Vietnamese units to the point where they could handle their own battles, with the U.S. to remove its forces as soon as possible. North Vietnam- North Vietnam carried out its first overt hostile action specifically against the U.S. on Aug. 2, 1964 when three of its Soviet-built  torpedo boats attacked the USS Maddox 28 miles off the North Vietnamese coast. Two nights later, other attacks were reported against the Maddox and the USS C. Turner Jay.


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