World Altitude Record Set Of 33,114 Feet


World Altitude Record Set Of  33,114 Feet

Feb. 27, 1920. Maj. R. W. Schroeder sets a world altitude record of 33,114 feet in the Packard-LePere LUSAC-11 biplane over McCook Field. During WW 1, the Air Service began making test flights at high altitude. On Sep. 18, 1918, Capt. Rudolph W. "Shorty" Schroeder set a world record of 28,900 ft. in a Bristol airplane from McCook Field.

In 1919, he established three more world altitude records, and on Feb. 27, 1920 in a LePere airplane fitted with a General Electric turbo supercharger, he reached a world-record height of 33,114 ft. When he removed his goggles to change oxygen flasks in order to continue breathing in the rarified atmosphere, the -63 degree air temperature immediately froze his eyeballs.

Schroeder passed out from the lack of oxygen and carbon monoxide poisoning and the LePere plummeted nearly six miles in two minutes; at the very last moment, he regained consciousness and pulled the plane from its dive. Although he was almost totally blind, Schroeder was able to locate McCook Field and land safely.

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