Afghanistan Warns U.S. Not To Attack



Afghanistan Warns U.S. Not To Attack

September 14, 2001, NEW YORK -- Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia warned Friday of "revenge" if the United States attacks it for harboring Osama bin Laden, the main suspect in the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. "If a country or group violates our country, we will not forget our revenge," Taliban spokesman Abdul Hai Muttmain said from the militia's headquarters in Kandahar in southern Afghanistan. He did not give details.

Speculation has been mounting that Washington may take military action against the Taliban as evidence grows that bin Laden, an exiled Saudi millionaire, was behind the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. Bin Laden has been living in Afghanistan under the protection of the Taliban since 1996. The Taliban are refusing to produce bin Laden unless Washington provides convincing evidence of guilt.
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