DHL And Girl Scouts Send A Million Cookies To Troops Overseas

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DHL And Girl Scouts Send A Million Cookies To Troops Overseas

By Daniel Baxter

March 31, 2010 - The Girl Scouts of Nassau County and DHL, one of the world’s leading express delivery companies, have partnered together once again to deliver a record number of Girl Scout Cookies to U.S. military troops overseas.

On Tuesday at the Girl Scouts of Nassau County’s Headquarters located in Garden City, NY, DHL Express picked up more than 45,000 boxes or over one million Girl Scout Cookies to be transported to U.S. servicemen and women as a way to show appreciation for their valued service to our country.

“We're pleased to put our international expertise and strong global network to good use by donating transportation services for Operation Cookie, which really brings pleasant reminders and a taste of home to our U.S. servicemen and women serving overseas.”

“We could not be happier to bring a taste of home to the men and women serving our country and hope it serves as a reminder that although we are physically apart, they are never far from our thoughts and prayers,” says Donna Ceravolo, Executive Director of the Girl Scouts of Nassau County. “This year’s Operation Cookie program could not have been possible without the help of DHL Express, who has so generously donated their shipping services to us for the fourth year in a row. We thank them for their continued dedication to our organization.” 

Today as Girl Scouts of all ages helped package the Girl Scout Cookie cases for delivery into the DHL Express truck, The Nassau County Police Department, Port Authority Police Department, New York City Police Department and Garden City Police stood by ready to escort the truck to DHL's facility at JFK International Airport. From there, the Cookies will travel through DHL’s air network for final delivery to military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan by the end of this week. 

"We're pleased to put our international expertise and strong global network to good use by donating transportation services for Operation Cookie, which really brings pleasant reminders and a taste of home to our U.S. servicemen and women serving overseas," said Charles Brewer, Senior Vice President and General Manager for the Northeast Area, at DHL Express. Since 2006, DHL has partnered with the Girl Scouts of Nassau County and donated its transportation and logistics services for the yearly Girl Scout Cookie drive supporting U.S. troops overseas. 

DHL Express has been selected by the Department of Defense for service to numerous locations around the globe based on the extensive service capabilities and "first in market" approach provided in support of U.S. servicemen and women. DHL Express provides regular support for several charitable projects serving U.S. servicemen and women, including its partnership with “Pizzas 4 Patriots” and the yearly DHL Trees for Troops holiday care package program. 


This Cookie donation is made possible due to the Girl Scouts of Nassau County “Operation Cookie” program. Operation Cookie offers customers the opportunity to help lift the spirits of servicemen and women by purchasing extra boxes or cases of Cookies to donate to the U.S. Military. Donations are still being accepted. 

Girl Scouts of Nassau County builds girls of courage, confidence and character. Girl Scouting in Nassau County creates an accepting and nurturing environment, which gives girls a chance to build character and receive skills for success in the real world. In partnership with committed adult volunteers, girls develop qualities that will serve them throughout their lives, like leadership, strong values, social conscience, and conviction about their own potential and self-worth. With more than 22,000 girl and 7,000 adult members, Girl Scouts of Nassau County has become the preeminent organization and leading authority for girls. The organization, now in its 98th year, continues to make the world a better place one girl at a time.
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