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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q.My Airman Certificate has been lost or destroyed.  Where do I get a replacement?
  • Q.Where can I get a FAA validation of my foreign pilots license in Europe?
  • Q.What is the closest FAA International Field Office that can assist me with pilot issues?
  • Q.I recently had my name changed, How do I update my Pilot Certificate?
  • Q.I have changed my permanent mailing address on my pilots certificate, who do I notify in FAA?
  • Q.How do I go about getting a pilots license, what will it cost, how difficult is it, and how long will it take?
  • Q.Will GPS ever be sufficient for providing precision approach capability  for all-weather landings?
  • Q.Where can I obtain information about an aircraft accident?
  • Q.Where can I order aeronautical charts?
  • Q.Where can I obtain copies of "free" and/or "for sale" Advisory Circulars? Free
  • Q. I was involved in a DWI violation what do I need to do?
  • Q. Can a private pilot receive compensation while towing gliders, in accordance with the new §61.113(g).
  • Q. Does Part 121 proficiency check have to be a PIC proficiency check? Does the check have to be given by an FAA Inspector or an FAA DPE?
  • Q. Can a CFI (not holding instrument instructor rating) teach an instrument ground school?
  • Q.Part 61.127(b)(1)(x) refers to high-altitude operations. §61.127 (a) says the applicant must have received ground and flight training in those areas of operation. Does that mean a commercial applicant single engine land must find a pressurized single engine aircraft or an aircraft equipped with oxygen for training?
  • Q.Does the long instrument cross country still require the three required approaches to be conducted at three different airports? Or, can they all be done at one airport as long as the specified distance is covered and three different kinds of approaches are made with the use of navigation systems?
  • Q.Reference §61.65(d)(2)(i): Does all 15 hours have to be performed in the actual aircraft category or can some of that 15 hours be performed in a flight simulator or flight training device?
  • Q.Can a non-Part 141 student transfer into a Part 141 school’s course that has examining authority? If so, what is the maximum credit that may be credited to a non-Part 141 student who elects to enroll in a school’s course that holds examining authority?
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