The International Omega Association, Inc. (IOA): The IOA publishes the "Bibliography of Omega Publications" and the "Proceeding of Annual Meetings," containing papers on Omega use, equipment, research and policy. The address is:

International Omega AssociationAPPENDIX 4. TERMINOLOGY
PO Box 2324
Arlington, Virginia 22202-0324

The Institute of Navigation (ION): The ION publishes a quarterly journal, "Navigation," which periodically contains papers on Omega. The Fall 1986 issue of "Navigation" (Volume 33, No. 3), was dedicated to Omega and is a good general reference. The address is:

Institute of Navigation
1026 16th Street, N.W., Suite 104
Washington, DC 20036

Gross navigation errors, (GNE) should be reported to the Central Monitoring Agency. The address is:

Central Monitoring Agency
CAA House
45-59 Kingsway
London WC2B6TE
United Kingdom