Pilot Forced To Land
Fuel Inlet Filter 75 % Blocked with Rust, Insect Remains
On August 30, 2009 in Thomasville, PA,
according to the pilot, during the preflight inspection, he checked the
full fuel tanks for water at all three access points, with none found.
The engine ran smoothly during taxi, run up and takeoff, but "stumbled"
upon level off. The pilot switched tanks, "checked" the carburetor heat,
and found that the engine only smoothed out when he added full power.
The pilot decided to return to the airport, and during the base leg, the
engine lost all power, resulting in a forced landing in a cornfield. A
post flight examination of the airplane by a Federal Aviation
Administration inspector revealed no obvious mechanical anomalies with
the physical components of the engine. However, when he examined the
carburetor fuel inlet filter, the inspector found it about 75 percent
blocked with particulate matter consisting of large quantities of rust,
insect remains, and sand. A restriction of this amount would
significantly effect the engines ability to operate at lower power
settings and could result in a total loss of engine power. Beech B19,
registration: N6982R
Pilot Failed To Maintain Directional Control During The
Landing Roll
On July 25,
2009 in Warrenton,
VA, the certificated private pilot
performed a "normal" landing at 60 miles per hour and the
tail-wheel-equipped airplane continued for approximately 600 to
700 feet on the 2,215 foot-long by 70-foot-wide turf runway,
before it drifted to the right. The pilot was unable to correct
the drift with left rudder and left brake before the airplane
departed the runway, and struck trees at approximately "30 miles
per hour."
When asked
how the accident could have been prevented, the pilot stated he
should have kept the control stick fully back during the landing
roll, and that the wet grass condition significantly decreased
surface friction available for braking and steering
effectiveness. Calm winds were reported 5 nautical miles
southeast of the airport.
of the airplane by a Federal Aviation Administration inspector
did not reveal any evidence of preimpact mechanical
malfunctions. The National Transportation Safety Board
determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot's failure to maintain directional control during the
landing roll. Contributing to the accident was the wet turf
landing surface. Aircraft: Dart GW, registration: N20930
Five Onboard Balloon
Encounters High Winds Resulting In Crash Landing
On June 13, 2009, in
Marathon City, WI,
the pilot and four paying passengers departed in a free air balloon. The
local area surface weather observations indicated that the winds were
consistently from the northwest at 6 ? 8 knots. Around the time of the
balloon launch, the winds were observed to be 300 degrees at 6 knots.
About 3 minutes after liftoff, the balloon was heading 180 degrees at 10
knots about 800 feet above ground level. The winds on the ground
suddenly increased to about 25 mph, and the balloon experienced strong
wind gusts. The pilot reported that about 9 minutes after takeoff, a big
wind gust ?caved in? half the balloon and the mouth was ?almost shut.?
The pilot decided to get the balloon on the ground at the nearest
suitable field, and instructed the passengers to prepare for a hard
landing. The balloon hit hard, bounced in the air about 30 feet, and
traveled about 200 feet before it hit the ground again. The balloon
tipped on its side and one of the passengers partially fell out of the
basket, but was restrained by the pilot and a passenger. The wind
dragged the basket about 125 feet where the passenger fell out the
basket and into a ditch. The basket was dragged about another 60 feet
before it came to a stop in another field. The passenger was seriously
injured. The balloon sustained minor damage. The National Transportation
Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as
follows: A hard landing as a result of unexpected high winds and gusts.
Aerostar International Inc RX-9, registration: N9116M